Ticket Booths / Press Boxes

Model Name / Size

Ticket Booth – 8×20

Free-standing structures. Ideal for controlling access to exclusive communities or events, industrial facilities or parking areas. Custom units are available, built to your specifications.

OC 20 Ft Ticket Booth
SouthShore music festival-2
OC 20 Ft Ticket Booth

Press Boxes – Custom Units

Free-standing structures. Ideal for controlling access to exclusive communities or events, industrial facilities or parking areas. Custom units are available, built to your specifications.

8x16 Press Box Layout
Dino park-1
8x16 Press Box Layout

For a new venue or an ongoing event, our ticket booths for sale are great to help keep construction costs down and provide you with a place to sell tickets and control entry into your venue. Our ticket booths for rent help are great for those occasions that a long-term solution isn’t immediately needed or available.

If your event or venue is selling food, we can provide you with concession stands for sale. Concessions stands for rent are nice for short-term engagements and events.

Our press boxes for sale are designed to allow the press corps a bird’s-eye view of your event. If you just need a place for the press or media for a single event, we have press boxes for rent that can provide a great place at a price that makes sense.

Free-standing structures. Ideal for controlling access to exclusive communities or events, industrial facilities or parking areas. Custom units are available, built to your specifications. Available in New York City and Long Island, NY area.