Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | | Died | Bonaventura Bellemo, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Andros, Greece |
| Died | Orazio Bellotti, O.F.M. Conv. † | Bishop of Nona (Nin), Croatia |
49.2 | Appointed | Camillo Borghese † | Secretary of the Congregation for Universal Inquisition | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
| Born | Maciej Bystram † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland |
| Retired | Diego de la Calzada † | Auxiliary Bishop of Toledo, Spain | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus |
| Born | Giacinto Cevoli, O.P. † | | Bishop of San Marco (Argentano), Italy |
| Born | Giuseppe Ciantes, O.P. † | | Bishop Emeritus of Marsico Nuovo, Italy |
| Resigned | Claude Coquelet † | Bishop of Digne, France | Bishop Emeritus |
| Born | Giacomo Corradi † | | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Jesi, Italy |
| Died | Tiberio Cortesi † | Bishop of Lavello, Italy |
| Died | Sulpizio Costantino † | Bishop of Nocera de’ Pagani, Italy |
| Born | Gaspard de Daillon du Lude † | | Bishop of Albi, France |
49.0 | Ordained Bishop | Mart�n Ignacio de Loyola, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Paraguay (o Ssma Assunzione) |
| Born | Paolo Diano-Parisi † | | Bishop of Oppido Mamertina, Italy |
| Born | Giulio Diotallevi † | | Bishop of Strongoli, Italy |
| Died | Bartolom� de la Plaza, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Santiago de Cuba | Bishop of Santiago de Cuba |
20.0 | Entered | Alphonse-Louis du Plessis de Richelieu, O. Cart. † | Member of Carthusian Order | Cardinal, Archbishop of Lyon, France |
| Born | Jan Gembicki † | | Bishop of Włocławek (Kujawy, Kalisze), Poland |
| Born | Bartolomeo Gera (Giera) † | | Bishop of Feltre, Italy |
| Born | Francesco Gisulfo e Osorio † | | Bishop of Agrigento (Girgenti), Italy |
| Born | Francesco Gonzaga, C.R. † | | Bishop of Nola, Italy |
| Resigned | Jer�nimo de Gouvea, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Ceuta and Tanger, Spain | Bishop Emeritus |
| Born | Gabriel Haug † | | Auxiliary Bishop of Strasbourg, France |
| Died | Paolo Isaresi della Mirandola, O.P. † | Bishop of Squillace, Italy |
20.0 | Ordained Priest | Giovanni Jovanczyi † | Priest | Bishop of Knin (Tinin), Croatia |
| Born | Louis-Fran�ois de La Baume de Suze † | | Bishop of Viviers (Aps), France |
29.9 | Ordained Priest | Maciej Łubieński † | Priest | Archbishop of Gniezno, Poland |
| Born | Cherubino Malaspina, O.P. † | | Bishop of Sansepolcro (Borgo San Sepolcro), Italy |
| Born | Jaime Mas † | | Bishop of Vic, Spain |
| Born | �tienne Moreau † | | Bishop of Arras, France |
| Born | Ferdinand de Neufville de Villeroy † | | Bishop of Chartres, France |
24.0 | Ordained Priest | Henri Ignace Nowohradsky de Kozowrat † | Priest | Auxiliary Bishop of Olomouc (Olm�tz), Czechia |
| Died | Thaddeus O’Farrell (MacEoga), O.P. † | Bishop of Clonfert, Ireland |
| Died | Francisco Ortega, O.S.A. † | Bishop of Nueva Caceres, Philippines |
| Born | Antonio Pavonelli, O.F.M. Conv. † | | Bishop of Venosa, Italy |
22.2 | Ordained Priest | Paweł Piasecki † | Priest of Chełm, Poland | Bishop of Przemyśl, Poland |
| Born | Miguel de Poblete Casasola † | | Archbishop of Manila, Philippines |
| Died | Giulio Cesare Ricordato (Recordato) † | Bishop-Elect of Ventimiglia, Italy |
24.7 | Ordained Priest | Georg Christoph R�sch † | Priest of Augsburg, Germany | Auxiliary Bishop of Eichst�tt, Germany |
| Born | Muzio de Rosis † | | Bishop of Teano, Italy |
| Ordained Bishop | Petrus Salinates, O.F.M. Obs. † | Bishop of Sardica (Sredek, Sofia), Bulgaria |
| Born | Ferdinando S�nchez de Cu�llar, O.S.A. † | | Bishop of Agrigento (Girgenti), Italy |
| Born | Michel Tuboeuf † | | Bishop of Castres, France |
| Died | Antonius Vespoli, C.R. † | Coadjutor Bishop of Potenza, Italy |
68.0 | Resigned | Adam Weisskopf † | Auxiliary Bishop of Wrocław (Breslau), Poland | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus |
6 Jan | 47.0 | Ordained Bishop | Jean du Ploich † | Bishop of Arras, France |
8 Jan | | Born | Giovanni Battista Ferruzzo, C.O. † | | Bishop of Trivento, Italy |
14 Jan | 49.0 | Confirmed | Wolfgang von Hausen † | Bishop of Regensburg, Germany |
| Appointed | Federico Mezio † | Bishop of Termoli, Italy |
23 Jan | | Appointed | Franciscus Optimates, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Milos (Melos), Greece |
27 Jan | | Died | Marco Pedoca Mirandulano, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Lacedonia, Italy |
2 Feb | 72.0 | Died | Cesare Costa, C.O. † | Archbishop of Capua, Italy |
10 Feb | 52.4 | Ordained Bishop | Fran�ois Buisseret † | Bishop of Namur {Namen}, Belgium | Archbishop of Cambrai, France |
13 Feb | 52.1 | Died | Giulio Cesare Riccardi † | Archbishop of Bari (-Canosa), Italy |
| Died | Corrado Tartarini † | Bishop of Forli, Italy |
25 Feb | 46.1 | Appointed | Jean Bertier † | Coadjutor Bishop of Rieux, France | Bishop |
46.1 | Appointed | Jean Bertier † | Titular Bishop of Auzia | Bishop of Rieux, France |
| Born | Pierre de Broc † | | Bishop of Auxerre, France |
2 Mar | | Ordained Bishop | Robert Berthelot, O. Carm. † | Titular Bishop of Damascus | Auxiliary Bishop of Lyon, France |
3 Mar | | Ordained Bishop | Melchior de Marconnai † | Bishop of Saint-Brieuc, France |
4 Mar | | Appointed | Pedro de Le�n † | Bishop of Fossano, Italy |
9 Mar | 63.1 | Died | Pedro Rojas Henr�ques, O.S.A. † | Bishop of Osma, Spain |
10 Mar | 54.1 | Ordained Bishop | Johann Nopel (Jr.) † | Titular Bishop of Cyrene | Auxiliary Bishop of K�ln {Cologne}, Germany |
60.1 | Died | Guillaume Rose † | Bishop of Senlis, France |
12 Mar | | Born | Juan V�lez † | | Bishop-Elect of Cebu, Philippines |
18 Mar | 59.4 | Appointed | St. Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, S.J. † | Archbishop of Capua, Italy | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus |
50.6 | Appointed | Bonviso Bonvisi † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Bari (-Canosa), Italy |
24 Mar | | Died | Giannantonio Castruccio † | Bishop of Mondovi, Italy |
27 Mar | | Appointed | Antoine de Bologne, O.M. † | Bishop of Digne, France |
15 Apr | 37.2 | Appointed | Juan de las Cabezas Altamirano † | Bishop of Santiago de Cuba | Bishop of Arequipa, Peru |
41.2 | Appointed | Pierre du Vair † | Bishop of Vence, France |
| Appointed | Filippo Gesualdo, O.F.M. Conv. † | Bishop of Cariati e Cerenzia, Italy |
| Appointed | Stefano Sp�nola, C.R. † | Bishop of Ventimiglia, Italy |
16 Apr | 65.2 | Died | Antonmaria Salviati † | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Saint-Papoul, France |
20 Apr | 67.6 | Died | Juan de Sanclemente Torquemada † | Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain |
21 Apr | 59.5 | Ordained Bishop | St. Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino, S.J. † | Archbishop of Capua, Italy | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus |
50.7 | Ordained Bishop | Bonviso Bonvisi † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Bari (-Canosa), Italy |
49.3 | Ordained Bishop | Wolfgang von Hausen † | Bishop of Regensburg, Germany |
22 Apr | 49.5 | Appointed | Camillo Borghese † | Cardinal-Priest of San Crisogono | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
42.3 | Appointed | Ottavio Acquaviva d’Aragona (Sr.) † | Cardinal-Priest of Santi Giovanni e Paolo | Cardinal, Archbishop of Napoli {Naples}, Italy |
57.3 | Died | Patrizio Lunati (Laosio) † | Bishop of Nusco, Italy |
| Appointed | Fausto Malari (Molari, Mellari) † | Bishop of Chiusi, Italy |
| Appointed | Alessandro Petrucci † | Bishop of Massa Marittima, Italy | Archbishop of Siena, Italy |
60.5 | Appointed | Domenico Pinelli (Sr.) † | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Trastevere | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Fermo, Italy |
42.6 | Appointed | Jean de Vieuxpont † | Bishop of Meaux, France |
28 Apr | | Ordained Bishop | Filippo Gesualdo, O.F.M. Conv. † | Bishop of Cariati e Cerenzia, Italy |
| Ordained Bishop | Stefano Sp�nola, C.R. † | Bishop of Ventimiglia, Italy |
29 Apr | 24.5 | Confirmed | Ferdinand von Bayern † | Coadjutor Bishop of Li�ge, Belgium | Archbishop-Elect of K�ln {Cologne}, Germany |
3 May | 74.0 | Died | Pedro Junco Posada † | Bishop of Salamanca, Spain |
5 May | | Ordained Bishop | Fausto Malari (Molari, Mellari) † | Bishop of Chiusi, Italy |
| Ordained Bishop | Alessandro Petrucci † | Bishop of Massa Marittima, Italy | Archbishop of Siena, Italy |
8 May | | Died | Eugenio Camuzzi † | Bishop of Bobbio, Italy |
9 May | 69.9 | Died | Giulio Antonio Santorio † | Archbishop Emeritus of Santa Severina, Italy | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina |
12 May | | Died | Juan Castellano Orozco † | Bishop of Siracusa, Italy |
30 May | 44.4 | Appointed | Paolo Tolosa, C.R. † | Apostolic Nuncio to Savoy | Archbishop of Chieti, Italy |
1 Jun | 63.4 | Died | Mathias Lambrecht † | Bishop of Brugge {Bruges}, Belgium |
3 Jun | | Appointed | Salvat d’Iharse † | Bishop of Tarbes, France |
6 Jun | | Died | Giovanni Girolamo Pisano † | Bishop of San Marco (Argentano), Italy |
9 Jun | | Ordained Bishop | Antoine de Bologne, O.M. † | Bishop of Digne, France |
17 Jun | 62.4 | Appointed | Girolamo Bernerio, O.P. † | Cardinal-Priest of San Lorenzo in Lucina | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina |
67.0 | Appointed | Alessandro Ottaviano de’ Medici † | Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
32.4 | Appointed | Fran�ois L’Archiver † | Bishop of Rennes, France |
| Appointed | Simone Lunadori † | Bishop of Nocera de’ Pagani, Italy |
68.2 | Appointed | Francesco Mantica † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria del Popolo |
44.0 | Appointed | Melchor Soria Vera y Diaz † | Auxiliary Bishop of Toledo, Spain |
44.0 | Appointed | Melchor Soria Vera y Diaz † | Titular Bishop of Troas | Auxiliary Bishop of Toledo, Spain |
41.4 | Ordained Bishop | Antonio Surredu † | Bishop of Ales e Terralba, Italy |
52.0 | Appointed | Simeone Tagliavia d’Aragonia † | Cardinal-Bishop of Albano | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina |
76.8 | Appointed | Fran�ois-Marie Tarugi, C.O. † | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria sopra Minerva | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Siena, Italy |
20 Jun | | Died | Gonzalo Guti�rrez Montilla † | Bishop of Oviedo, Spain |
24 Jun | | Ordained Bishop | Salvat d’Iharse † | Bishop of Tarbes, France |
32.4 | Ordained Bishop | Fran�ois L’Archiver † | Bishop of Rennes, France |
26 Jun | | Appointed | Diego della Quadra † | Bishop of Lavello, Italy |
| Appointed | Gon�alo de Morais, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Porto, Portugal |
| Appointed | G�mez Su�rez Figueroa † | Bishop of C�diz, Spain |
29 Jun | 62.4 | Died | Bonawentura Hahn † | Former Bishop-Elect of Wrocław (Breslau), Poland |