Catholic Education Shapes How Newest Work Of Heart Honoree Serves St. Mark Catholic School Students
We are very pleased to have awarded Hassie Wortham, a 7th & 8th grade Social Studies teacher at St. Mark Catholic School in Plano our Work Of Heart award.
Many awesome things were written about her in the nomination we received. Here are just a few of the things that reveal what a blessing she is to the St. Mark community.
“She serves as the student council moderator, Quiz Bowl coach, cheer coach, and soccer coach. Each of these activities requires Ms. Wortham to serve outside of the normal school day. Student council often participates in various leadership and service projects that she coordinates and attends. She encourages students to take pride in their work and represent St. Mark out in the community.
“In order to coach quiz bowl, Ms. Wortham has given up one of her daily plan time so that she can coach the students to help them prepare for tournaments. Quiz bowl, soccer, and cheer are all activities that occur on the weekends. Ms. Wortham is present for all the events, giving up her weekend time to support our students.
“Ms. Wortham is a role model for our students. She consistently shares her faith journey and witness with her students through her class. She attends the Pines Catholic Camp each year with our 8th grades students and leads group discussions and activities.
“She often connects with our students on a personal level. She has been asked to be a confirmation sponsor the last two years by students whom she teaches.
“Ms. Wortham attended Catholic school through high school, and she shares with the students how this experience shaped her as a person. She is always willing to listen to the students and pulls examples for her own life to help guide them through a challenging time.
“Ms. Wortham is well respected by her colleagues, administrators, parents, and students. She is always willing to lend a helping hand and has noproblems giving of her time outside the classroom to positively influence the lives of students at St Mark. We are truly blessed to have Ms. Wortham as a teacher at St. Mark. She is an excellent teacher, role model, and friend.”