So here's the final out of Game 7 of the 2016 World Series, in which the Cubs edged the Indians ...
Did you see what became of the ball that journeyed into the loving arms of Chicago first baseman Anthony Rizzo via the 5-3 putout? Here's a revealing screencap ...
Ah, the privileges of being the first baseman!
Anyhow, Mr. Rizzo was quite wise to pocket the cowhide orb of note. Why? Here's this from Bloomberg:
The ball's value goes far beyond sentiment. It might fetch more than $3 million if sold, said Ken Goldin, founder of Goldin Auctions in New Jersey. He set a price floor of about $1 million.
"It would be one of the most coveted baseballs of modern times," he said.
The ball's value would be driven by two things, Goldin said: The team's 108-year championship drought and the number of wealthy Cubs fans who would be willing to fork over whatever it takes to own it.
Yes, when those with high levels of discretionary income covet something, the price goes up. So it is with the baseball of note.
Of course, that appears to be irrelevant right now. Cubs chairman and co-owner Tom Ricketts will keep the ball, as we found out during the Cubs' World Series parade and celebration on Friday.