The Office Of
Environmental Farming & Innovation


To use the best available science and knowledge from the agricultural community to design and implement practical solutions to California’s natural resource challenges that improve the environmental and economic sustainability of producing nutritious food, fiber, and energy.


California is a global leader in agricultural sustainability and resilience, leading in the innovation and implementation of practices that support a vibrant agricultural economy, healthy communities and thriving ecosystems.

We achieve this by:

  • Supporting, synthesizing and translating cutting edge scientific information and data to inform public policy and regulations in collaboration with producers, the research community, and stakeholders.
  • Convening partners and stakeholders while elevating underrepresented voices to co-create opportunities on working lands that advance production, mitigate greenhouse gases and protect people and natural resources.
  • Identifying, promoting and incentivizing adoption of innovative and science-based sustainability practices that provide opportunities to producers of all sizes and identities.
  • Building regional capacity to deliver specific, relevant, and accessible technical assistance to producers to promote lasting adoption of sustainable production and land stewardship practices.
  • Communicating the needs, contributions, and accomplishments of all facets of the agricultural community to policymakers, advocates and consumers.
What's New in OEFI
CalPoly Releases Evaluation of CDFA's Climate Smart Agriculture Programs

Funded through a grant from CDFA, Dr. Nick Babin and colleagues released an evaluation of CDFA's Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) programs including the Alternative Manure Management Program (AMMP), Healthy Soils Program (HSP), Dairy Digester Research and Develpment Program (DDRDP) and State Water Efficiency Enhancement Program (SWEEP). This is the first third party evaluation of these programs.

Climate Smart Agriculture Videos



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Environmental Farming Act

CDFA's Incentive Programs are implemented under the authority of the Environmental Farming Act. Incentive Programs are developed in coordination with the Science Advisory Panel which facilitates public comment process. Learn more about the Science Advisory Panel.

AB 1757 Nature-Based Climate Solutions Targets

AB 1757 requires the setting of ambitious targets for nature-based climate solutions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions to support state goals to achieve carbon neutrality and foster climate adaption and resilience. Check out the targets for cropland and grasslands and how CDFA will be participating in achieving these targets! Learn more about AB 1757 here.