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Program Description

AllPile is a Windows-based analysis program that handles virtually all types of piles, including steel pipes, H-piles, pre-cast concrete piles, auger-cast piles, drilled shafts, timber piles, jetted piles, tapered piles, piers with bell, micropiles (minipiles), uplift anchors, uplift plate, and shallow foundations.

One of the major advantages AllPile has over other pile software is that it combines most pile analyses in a single program. It calculates compression (with settlement), uplift, lateral capacity, and group analysis all together. Users only need to input the data once instead of several times in different programs. AllPile makes pile analysis easy, economical and time-efficient.

AllPile is suitable for all engineers, even those without too much pile analysis experience. It helps structural engineers choose soil parameters, and geotechnical engineers choose pile properties. AllPile is a must-have tool for structural, geotechnical, and construction engineers.


  • Smart Data Find Users only need to input N-value (SPT) or CPT and let program find the remaining data, such as friction, cohesion, density, subgrade reaction coefficient, and P-y parameters. For users with limited field data, it is very useful feature. .
  • Graphical Input The sliding bar and graphical interface change simultaneously with the inputs to illustrate the pile profile. Pile head and load are graphically presented to help users to input data quickly and accurately.
  • Three Ways to Input Soil Properties: 1. Input N value (SPT or CPT) only and program find all other parameters; 2. Input soil parameters such as C, and friction. . 3. Input End bearing and Side friction (vertical) or p-y (lateral).
  • Vertical Capacity The program evaluates the uplift and compression capacity of the pile. Program provides t-z, and q-w analysis. The program also checks torsion (rotation) capacity for single pile.
  • Settlement The program calculates pile settlement based on point load, skin friction, and shaft compression. It provides Load-Settlement curves.
  • Point of Fixity AllPile determines the Point of Fixity and Stiffness of the pile.
  • Stiffness AllPile determines pile stiffness for rotation, lateral and vertical deflections.
  • Lateral Capacity AllPile performs lateral analysis under different head-load boundary conditions. Deflection, moment, and shear along the entire length of the pile are presented graphically in the report. Program provides p-y analysis.
  • Group Piles Analysis Both vertical and lateral analyses handle group piles. The loads can be vertical, compression, uplift, shear, and moment. The program calculates lateral movement, rotation, and settlement of the pile cap.
  • Tower Foundation Analysis of foundation for transmission towers, wireless antennas, telephone and signal poles, etc.
  • Batter Piles and Sloped Ground The program can handle batter piles and sloped ground.
  • Seismic and Static Conditions Circular and static load conditions can be selected in the lateral analysis.
  • Negative Friction The program computes the downdrag force formed by settlement of soft layers.
  • Zero Friction AllPile handles no-friction sections of the pile, such as tieback free bond length.
  • Section Calculation The program calculates the section properties for reinforced or hollow piles. It has a built-in database for all available W and H steel piles.
  • Graphical Presentation AllPile presents the results using high quality graphics, which can be inserted directly into a report. Users can customize the format of the report.
  • Export to EXCEL AllPile results can be exported to MS-EXCEL graphics and reports by a few mouse clicks. Users can modify the reports and graphics easily.
  • English and Metric Units The program accommodates both English and metric units.
  • Shallow Footing Shallow footing under vertical, and lateral loads (moment and shear) Analysis includes settlement, rotation, and sliding.
  • HFWA SHAFT analysis Using FHWA-IF-99 method for drilled shaft with bell or without bell, including settlement, top rotation, and slope analysis.

* AllPile download link provides demo version of the software.

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