0117 971 1917 [email protected]


FrameFit is a unique retrofit product that reduces gaps in poorly fitted fire doors.

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FrameFit is a unique retrofit product that reduces gaps in poorly fitted fire doors. Until now, if you have gaps of more than 4mm on either side or head between the door edge and door frame or more than 8mm between door bottom and floor,  a new door costing  between £600 to £1000 is the only way to make the door compliant with regulations.

FrameFit makes the frame fit the door, reducing the gaps to a compliant level. This will save spending hundreds, if not thousands of pounds while helping the environment, because the existing fire door can be rejuvenated and not just thrown away.

FrameFit can reduce gaps up to 15 mm, that is not a typo we tested 15mm gaps. To compliment FrameFit we will also be launching a bottom door seal that can reduce gaps up to a staggering 25-30 mm

Tested to BS476 part 22: to both FD30 & FD60

We are in the process of tweaking the product for manufacture, However this should be available within six weeks.

If you would like further information, please feel free to drop us a line.

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Unit 2/Ferry Steps Industrial Est/Albert Rd, St Philips Bristol BS2 0XW

0117 971 1917