Monster Hunter World (PC) Review

Monster Hunter World (PC) Review

Hunting for Days

Monster Hunter World (PC) Review 1
Monster Hunter World (PC) Review 2

Monster Hunter World

Brutalist Review Style (Version 2)

When Capcom announced a PC port for Monster Hunter World, the developers emphasized that the delayed release was to allow for optimization and fine-tuning.

Now, just shy of seven months after it was originally released on PS4, and Xbox One, Monster Hunter has arrived on the PC for the first time ever. And thankfully, the additional time spent working on the port has resulted in a release that is just as brilliant as the console versions, if not more so.

This review will be focused entirely on the PC port. If you’re interested in reading our initial review of Monster Hunter World, you can read Cole Watson’s review here. Rest assured, the content itself is spectacular.

Monster Hunter World (Pc) Review 2
Monster Hunter World Review Image Provided by Capcom

Monster Hunter World on the PC is exhilarating. The rush of tracking and hunting giant monsters is kept intact here, complete with the countless quests that you can invest hundreds of hours into. It is just as addictive, and considering the technical improvements on display, feels like a more engaging experience no matter if you’re a beginner or veteran. Diving back into the thrill of battle for the first time in months, I stood by my weapon of choice, the Heavy Bowgun, and found that it was just as empowering now as it was when I first chose it long ago.

This is primarily because I used a controller, even though mouse and keyboard support is available. I recommend using a controller, as it provides a finer level of control in fights where a single mistake or lack of flexibility could earn you a quick trip back to camp on a stretcher. Keyboard and mouse work well – just not to the same degree as a controller.

Monster Hunter World (Pc) Review 3
Monster Hunter World Review Image Provided by Capcom

For all intents and purposes, the PC port is nearly identical to the console launch version. This means that several of the monsters added post-release, such as Deviljho and Kulve Taroth, are missing from the action for now. That said, smaller quality of life improvements that have been added over the months can be found on PC. For example, being able to change the text at launch is a godsend for someone like me, and it’s easier to navigate through menus and quests now than ever before.

As a veteran of the PS4 version, I can safely say that the PC port is noticeably better performance wise than it’s console brethren. That comes with the territory, of course, but it does so without sacrificing the frame rate that all too often fell while playing on the console. I used a GTX 1060, running on the highest settings, and maintained a consistent 60 FPS that ran smoothly throughout my playtime. The number of options available means that even without using a powerful machine to play the game, Monster Hunter World is readily accessible even if you have to use the lower graphical settings.

Monster Hunter World (Pc) Review 4
Monster Hunter World Review Image Provided by Capcom

Monster Hunter World was the first title in the series to release for non-Nintendo home consoles, becoming the best selling title in not only franchise history, but in Capcom’s history in the process. Months later, and its debut on the PC is nothing short of astounding. It maintains the series excellent action combat, and combined with the power of its new hardware, makes Monster Hunter World one of the most exciting PC games of the year.

Final Thoughts

Preston Dozsa
Preston Dozsa

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