This product of the teleporter contains an Unreal Engine scene, which is presenting the model of the teleporter.
Also, there are
the model of the teleporter in the following formats(fbx, lxo, uasset)
the model of the ground(fbx, lxo, uasset)
setup the scene for the presentation
level sequencer with a base cameraRig_Crane
extra patterns of textures for sidelights
SM_Teleporter is using 3 materials:
MI_Teleporter_Portal(It's derived from M_Teleporter_Portal)
This material use shifting texture coordinates with distortion by a noise texture
SM_Teleporter has 6608 polygons and 7008 vertices.
Textures have 2K/1K resolution
Also here is a baked mask and emissive color from UE4 material these textures can be used in other 3D software.The asset including scenes in Unreal Engine 4.25, 4.26, 4.27