Amazing Benefits of LingZhi

Nowadays Ganoderma (LingZhi) has received special attention from the world of scientific medicine. Since the beginning, this mysterious divine medicine has been studied with scientific methods and its medicinal properties are increasingly being proven. Starting from medicine in ancient times, now it has turned into modern medicine.
LingZhi promotes blood clotting and removes thrombus
In the book “Yiau Yung Cen Ciun” (the use of true mushroom medicine), it is written that Ling Zhi has the power to strengthen the stomach, improve brain function and immunity, expedite urine (diuretic), and against symptoms of nervousness, insomnia, acute and chronic hepatitis, gastric ulcers, bronchitis, gastric infections, etc., which have potent properties.

In Japan, research on Ling Zhi mushroom is very well known, and there are clinical examples of medical examination reports in every field. The conclusion of this report also states that Ling Zhi has the property of being able to smooth blood clotting and eliminate thrombus.
Blood clots are a factor in all sources of chronic disease
Diseases caused by blood clots, generally include dysautonomia, menopausal disorders, lumbago, hemorrhoids, constipation, headaches, chronic hepatitis, stiff shoulders, anxiety, insomnia, pridentitis, and many more. Almost all of them are covered in the category of chronic diseases experienced by people of modern times. So, blood clots are the source of a difficult disease, which people suffer from today.
Blood clotting disease has the following symptoms or cystomes:
- hair loss easily or quickly thinning (the risk of narrowing of blood vessels in the brain increases),
- red face and appearing spots,
- red nose tip,
- eyes full of red vessels,
- blurred vision,
- head section the back feels heavy, sometimes dizzy,
- the gums (molars) appear dark purple, the ears ringing,
- the shoulders feel stiff, the skin turns black when pinched becomes red and difficult to disappear,
- pain during menstruation and irregularity,
- frequent constipation ,
- back pain,
- cold lower body,
- numb and trembling hands,
- pain around the heart (risk of narrowing of the heart vessels),
- wounds that are difficult to heal, dry cough that is not caused by asthma or bronchitis, pain when pinching fatty tissue under the skin .
In modern times many people suffer from thrombus
Thrombus disease is triggered by blockage of blood vessels so that blood circulation is not smooth, which results in a lack of oxygen. Cells need oxygen. If the oxygen supply is cut off, it will cause tissue damage. Thus a very serious problem condition will occur.
As is known thrombus disease can trigger stroke, myocardosis, and others. Generally, people think this disease only occurs in the elderly. In fact, recently, cases of this type of disease have often been found that occur in young people, between the ages of 30-40 years.
The main contributing factor is the wrong lifestyle and daily diet. Usually people prefer to eat rice from white rice or white bread without skin, even though the skin that has been removed contains many important nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. In addition, people also consume less tubers such as lotus and sweet potatoes, compared to eating fish and meat.
The habit of consuming processed foods and drinks also causes symptoms of instability in the ratio of calcium, manganese and phosphorus. As a result, the body cannot develop normally. With unstable nutrition will affect the blood and blood vessels resulting in complications of infectious diseases. If an infectious disease occurs in a blood vessel, the platelets in the blood will immediately do their job to return to their original state. However, in this condition, the remaining platelets that occur if not wasted and are left in the body will further form a thrombus.
This means that the causes of thrombus disease are closely related to processed food and drinks. Thus, in the future anyone will be able to contract thrombus disease.
The use of Ganoderma will function to correct blood vessel abnormalities and suppress the formation of thrombus. This is the discovery of the results of scientific research on the greatest properties of Ganoderma mushrooms. That said, this is one of the greatest discoveries in the history of human medicine. Now you can find Ling Zhi or Ganoderma at Chai Natural Clinic, get a complete explanation of your health condition and the symptoms of thrombus that might hit you.