Welcome to Year 1
Autumn 2 2024
This half term we will continue learning about Charnwood, but the focus will switch from a historical point of view to a geographical one. We will be looking at where Charnwood is and what human and physical features can be found in and around it. In computing we will be using Paintz to help us create digital artwork inspired by famous artists.
We will be learning how to classify animals, as well as looking at how the environment looks in Winter. In DT, we will be learning how to join different materials and creating a Christmas decoration.
These are the books we will be using to help us with our writing:
In maths we will be looking at 2D and 3D shapes. We will also be looking at subtraction of numbers up to 10:
To support your learning at home you can use the curriculum overview which provides more information about each learning area and the key word mat which provides the vocabulary, reading and spelling words we will be working on this half term together. These can both be found in the useful documents section to download.
Learning at Home
1. Learn your phonics sound by practising what you learn in class each week at home – the sound mats that link to our lessons are linked right in the phonics support – we will be looking at the initial Phase Five sounds.
2. Reading – read at least 3 times a week. We will continue to send your child’s guided reading book home both in their reading pack and digitally, so that they can continue to practise their fluency at home. We will also send home a reading for pleasure book for you to enjoy together.
Don’t forget the many other opportunities to read whenever you can – cereal boxes, bus stops, adverts, shop windows! Read, read, read and listen to the adults model reading in your life.
3. Counting – Practise your number bonds to ten and your doubles.
PE: – PE kit to be worn on Mondays (indoor) and Wednesdays (Outdoor)
Please remember that PE kit consists of a plain white t-shirt, plain black bottoms and a plain black jumper.
Tuesday 4th November: Back to School
Wednesday 13th and Tuesday 19th November: Parents’ evenings
Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th December: Key Stage 1 Nativity performances
Wednesday 18th December: Christmas dinner.
Friday 20th December: End of term.