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Kirk Demarest gave an informative talk to the Chico Bonsai Society for the first meeting
of the New Year in January.

Kirk spoke on how to make proper bonsai soil for trees. The key ingredients, for our soil, are equal parts of pumice, lava, and acadama.
When potting bonsai trees, you need to eliminate typical premade nursery soil. He gave us tips on proper mixing and using different sizes of ingredients according to the plant size and pot you intend to use.

The Chico Bonsai Society meets the second Sunday of the month at the Chico Public Library located at 1108 Sherman Ave.  The group meets at 10 a.m. The public is welcome. You can find us on Facebook at our website
Kirk Demarest gave an informative talk to the Chico Bonsai Society for the first meeting of the New Year in January. Kirk spoke on how to make proper bonsai soil for trees. The key ingredients, for our soil, are equal parts of pumice, lava, and acadama. When potting bonsai trees, you need to eliminate typical premade nursery soil. He gave us tips on proper mixing and using different sizes of ingredients according to the plant size and pot you intend to use. The Chico Bonsai Society meets the second Sunday of the month at the Chico Public Library located at 1108 Sherman Ave.  The group meets at 10 a.m. The public is welcome. You can find us on Facebook at our website

Kirk Demarest gave an informative talk to the Chico Bonsai Society for the first meeting
of the New Year in January.

Kirk spoke on how to make proper bonsai soil for trees. The key ingredients, for our soil, are equal parts of pumice, lava, and acadama.
When potting bonsai trees, you need to eliminate typical premade nursery soil. He gave us tips on proper mixing and using different sizes of ingredients according to the plant size and pot you intend to use.

The Chico Bonsai Society meets the second Sunday of the month at the Chico Public Library located at 1108 Sherman Ave.  The group meets at 10 a.m. The public is welcome. You can find us on Facebook at our website

How to submit a snapshot

Snapshots, reader-submitted photos of community events, are published Monday. They may include service projects, guest speakers at club meetings, awards being presented or kids doing school projects. Just make sure there are people in the photo — no more than 12 — and keep it current.

Send a high-resolution JPG with a paragraph explaining the content of the photo: who (in left-to-right order with last names), what, where, when and why to [email protected]. Non-digital submissions will not be accepted at this time.

We can’t accept photos about businesses, private events or those adorable pet photos.