Welcome to
South West Healthy Country Kids

The WA Country Health Service (WACHS) believes that every child and adolescent should be given the best start in life and the opportunity to grow up being healthy, confident and resilient. The Healthy Country Kids team in the South West is here to offer families care, education and support during their journey to raise a happy and healthy child from the early years to adulthood.
We bring together a variety of specialist community-based health care services and programs to optimise health outcomes for children, young people and their families. Our team includes child and school health nurses, child development allied health professionals, paediatricians, administration and health promotion staff. We offer comprehensive assessments, early interventions and therapy services and utilise the family partnership model to empower parents and carers.
We offer place based care, at no cost to families, in various settings across local south west communities including community health centres, clinics, schools, home visits and telehealth appointments and child care centres.
Our services are available across various locations
Bunbury and Surrounds
Binningup, Brunswick, Leschenault, Australind, Kingston, Treendale, Dardanup, Clifton Park, Eaton, Millbridge, Bunbury, Dalyellup, Capel, Stratham and surrounding areas. |
Busselton and Surrounds
Busselton, Dunsborough, Margaret River, Augusta and surrounding areas. |
Manjimup and Surrounds
Manjimup, Bridgetown, Pemberton, Nannup, Northcliffe, Boyup Brook, Greenbushes, Walpole and surrounding areas. |
Collie and Surrounds
Collie, Harvey, Donnybrook, Boyanup and surrounding areas. |
Our Services
Child Health Services
School Health Services
Child Development Services
Boodjari Yorgas and Koolangka
Event Calendars
Immunisation Calendar
Program Calendar
Book, Activity and Toy of the Month!
Useful Links
Health Direct
Health information and advice
Health condition information and other health information resources
Country Families @ Ngala
Free child health and parenting information
Raising Children Network
Ad-free parenting videos, articles and apps backed by Australian experts
Australian Breastfeeding Association
Information, education and support service on breastfeeding
Radiance South West
Supporting the emotional wellbeing of parents and their journey into parenthood