
The California Highway Patrol's Explorer Program is designed for young men and women, 15 to 20 years of age, allowing them to develop the skills and knowledge needed to serve the people of California through discipline and a commitment to serving their community. Explorers assist the CHP both in office and out in the field. The experience they obtain here will be directly applicable to a future in law enforcement, while building relationships - with other Explorers, in the community they serve, and within the CHP. Explorers receive physical fitness training, medical training, organizational, and clerical training. As an Explorer, you'll attend Community Service events, staff DUI Checkpoints, participate in a ride along in the field, and compete in Explorer Competitions. 'Explore' your future in Law Enforcement as a CHP Explorer.


Learn more with our Explorer Program Brochure (PDF)

CHP Explorers

The CHP Explorer Program offers a unique and challenging opportunity to young men and women to become an integral part of the Department's operations, and experience what a career in law enforcement would be like. Successful completion of the Explorer Program can open many doors and present many opportunities for the youth of tomorrow, especially for an Explorer who is planning to make the CHP a career.

The mission of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) Explorer Program is to develop young people into responsible and productive citizens through discipline and a commitment to serving their community.

For questions about the Explorer Program, speak with a Recruiter by calling (916) 843-3275 or also by contacting your local CHP area office and speaking with a recruiter there.

Assorted Activities

CHP Explorers


  • Ride along with officers in the field

  • Driving Under the Influence checkpoints

  • CHP's for kids

  • Assist with clerical duties at the Area office.  


CHP Explorers picture


  • Organize fundraisers

  • Explorer meetings

  • Traffic control

    • Explorer competitions

    • Physical fitness training

    • Medical training

    • Community service

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