In today’s blog post,I will be sharing with you Tips on on how to lay up treasures in heaven.
I have a question for you today.For the past one year,what treasure have you laid up for yourself? Did you store some money ?. Or buy some shares?Or is it even bitcoin? How much of your time have you spent laying up these treasures.
That’ is the question I want you to jus sit, pause and ask yourself.
Because what you treasure most is where your heart will always be.
Today i’m going to talk about a very important topic.
It’s a topic that has to do with what we spend our time to do on earth and how it reflects in our life in eternity.
This topic is so important because in today’s world everybody is busy.
we are busy acquiring things. We spend time on things
that when compared to eternal life really doesn’t mean anything.
We came into this world without anything
and we shall live without anything.
God tells us several times in the bible to lay up treasures in heaven.
That is why it is important to take out time to carry out this instructions.
I think it’s something that we really need to pause in our busy schedule and start doing.
This post contains links that if you click it and purchase a product will get me some money.this I use to keep the channel running.
As humans,we want to have investments.We like getting things of value.God is not against you investing on earth.But rather wants you to invest in heavenly things more.
For instance, ask yourself “how is my bank account in heaven”.
This kind of questions will motivate you to find out how to start to lay up treasures in heaven.

So quickly let’s look at two scriptures of what God says us on how to lay up treasures in heaven.
In Matthew 6vs 19 -21 Jesus said “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth.
where moth and rust destroy .And where thieves break in and steal.
Instead lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven .Where neither moth nor rust destroys and thieves do not break in and steal.
For where your treasure is ,there your heart will be also.”
Now that the scriptures has told us where to lay up treasures. The next challenge is :
Just like in our normal life, We work hard so that we can have some form of investment that can yield back something to us.
It is also good that you struggle to focus your heart
on laying up treasures for yourself in heaven .
According to the scripture above, Jesus is linking the treasure to your heart.
what does your heart focus on?
Sit down, ask yourself . From 6 am to 11 pm yesterday.
Did you even think of God or factor God into what you did the whole day?
So my number one practical tip for laying up treasures in heaven is to:
Based on the scripture we just read ,God wants you to change what you focus on.
Check where your heart is and rearrange your priorities.
what do you think about from morning till night?.
where is in your heart ?what do you focus on?
There is nothing wrong with going to work or running your business.
But my point is, in the process of running your business, where does God come in?
where do you factor increasing God’s kingdom into that daily activities.
Does it even cross your mind?
Is it even in your heart?
Or is your heart all about how to acquire things.Remember Luke 12vs15 Where Jesus said :, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions”
Let us not lose focus on what is important as a christian.
It’s not enough to run around from monday to saturday without factoring God in our schedule.
And then on sunday,you give Him some two hours in church!
Then you feel you have tried. I am sorry you’ve not laid down anything.
Please change your priorities.To lay up treasures in heaven,you need to –
Put Gods kingdom affairs first and then create time for other things.
It took me time to learn this.
But you can learn it by asking God to help you.
The second and third practical ways that you can lay up treasures in heaven is found in matthew 19 verses 16 to 21.
You know the story about the rich man that came to Jesus. He asked what he must do to inherit the kingdom of God .
And God told him to keep the commandments.
There is a section i’m however particularly interested in.
That ,is when Jesus told him “if you want to be perfect go sell your possession and give it to the poor.
And then you will have treasures in heaven and then come follow me.”
From this passage we get two practical ways to lay up treasures in heaven.
A.Giving to the poor.
B.Being Gods disciple or Ambassadors.
My number two tip therefore to lay up treasures in heaven is:
There are a lot of scriptures on giving to the poor.
The one I particularly like is 1 timothy 6vs17 -19 .
Paul commands those who are rich in this world to learn to share what they have. To also learn to be rich in good deeds , generous and willing to share.
He ended up by saying that when you do this you’re laying up treasures for yourself in heaven .I have a video and blog post on how to know the poor to give to. And how God rewards you when you do give to the poor.
It will actually help you Know how you can always have enough to give to the poor.
luke 9 vs 57-62 actually tells you what is God’s criteria to be his disciple.
Discipleship really is not as easy as we think it is. look at God’s criteria number one. Foxes have holes and beds of the air have nest. But the son of man has nowhere to lay his head.
That was his answer to somebody that said lord I want to follow you .
I want to be your disciple.
This simply means ,to be God’s disciple,you have to be ready to follow him even when you don’t understand where He’s leading you to.
You have to be simple enough to lay aside your path and follow his own.
An example is when God called abraham to a place that he did not know.
God just told Abraham to leave His family and go to a place he will show him.
Abraham left his family to journey to a place that he did not even know .
so that’s discipleship.
And that is one of the things you need to do to lay up your treasures in heaven.
And to the second person, see what jesus replied “Let the dead bury their dead
but go and preach the kingdom of God.
Simply means, as God’s disciples you have to learn not to follow the traditions of men. You have to do things God’s way and not the way men think you should do it. Or even the way you think you should do it.
Then the last one .
No man having put his hand in the plough and looking back
is fit for the kingdom of God. Nothing should distract you when you are God’s disciple.
Not even distractions that are supposed to look normal.
See how difficult it is to be God’s genuine disciple!
The good news however is that you lay up treasures in heaven when you are God’s genuine disciple.
Remember the parable of the the foolish rich man that had so much .
And decided to pull down his ban to rebuild a larger one.
Gods responce was ” you fool this very night your life will be
demanded from you then who will get what you have prepared
for yourself .
This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich
towards God”
Stop storing up things for a future you are not even sure about!
I am not saying you should not save for a rainy day.
All I am saying is, don’t store up things that is much more than you will ever need.!
If I may ask you, do you know your day of death?
do you know how long God has allocated for you on Earth?
Why store up things even much more than you will need. But a lot of us do that.
There are people out there that don’t even have.
Instead of storing up things,become a channel of blessing to others.
Take a look around you.
What are you storing up you’ve not used for one to two years .
Somebody somewhere needs it..
Ask God in prayer to connect you with such people. When you bless such people and answer their need,you will be laying up treasures in heaven.
That’s my take on how you can lay up your treasures.Do you have any other tips on how to lay up treasures in heaven?Do not hesitate to comment below.
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