A HIGH-flying police officer resigned in disgrace a day before he admitted failing to provide a breath specimen.
Northumbria policeman Paul Barrett had reached the rank of Chief Inspector by the age of 37.

But his promising career now lies in tatters after he crashed his Honda Civic into a roundabout in the early hours of July 29 this year.
Police from the neighbouring Durham force suspected Barrett had been drinking, but he refused to give a breath test either at the scene or in the custody suite at Chester-le-Street.
Yesterday he admitted one charge of failing to provide a breath specimen for analysis when he appeared before magistrates in Peterlee, County Durham.
His solicitor, Gerry Armstrong, said he had been "unemployed since September 10."
Chairman of the bench David Balls told Barrett: "Any punishment we can give pales into insignificance compared with what you have already gone through and through which you will no doubt continue to go."
He told the former officer he would normally have been fined £160 but that was reduced to £110 because of his early guilty plea. He was also ordered to pay £100 court costs. Barrett was banned from driving for 20 months, although that will be reduced to 15 months if he takes a Drink Drivers Rehabilitation course.
A spokesman for Northumbria Police confirmed that Barrett had resigned from the force.
"Northumbria Police expects the highest standards of conduct from our officers, and when those standards fall short we will take the most appropriate action," the spokesman said.
Barrett had been suspended by the force following his arrest.
A former neighbourhood inspector in Washington, he was understood to have been off duty at the time of the accident.
No other vehicle was involved.
He left the court without commenting.