Does anyone recall the location of a place called Canon's Ice Cream? It was home-made ice cream so creamy that it made the roof of your mouth slick. They had maybe a dozen different flavors with names like "Blue Moon." If I recall correctly, it was in a garage on someone's property that had been renovated to accommodate the business. For a treat on a weekend night, my parents would load us in the station wagon in our PJs and take a drive there.
-- C-TownFan
Canon's was on Turney Road! And you have described that ice cream to a T. My grandparents lived on East 86th about a block from there near Vineyard. I remember my aunt driving my grandmother and me to Garfield Park to walk the dog and then we would stop at Canon's!!
-- wonders270
Ah Canon's!! Remember it oh so well. Close your eyes -- you can still get the scent of the place in your senses. The 2 steps (concrete) to get downstairs. If you didn't duck your head you'd hit it on the overhead. The chalkboard menu of flavors. My brother dated the daughter of the wife who lived in that house. They were simple, wonderful people. Recall the pigeon cages in the back of one of the garages on the side street to exit out of there? My parents took us to Canons as a special treat. The best!!
-- scooter
I grew up in Garfield Hts. and used to go to Cannon's ice cream. I don't know the exact address but it was on the east side of Turney Road not too far north of Peter's Market which is at 4617 Turney Road.
Cannon's had a famous-to-us Blue Moon ice cream, and it's the only place I've ever had grape ice cream.
-- Lisa McAloney-Madden, North Olmsted
Cannon's Ice Cream was in Garfield Heights, one street down from Sladden off of Turney Road. [Editor's note: If the location others agree on is correct, the shop was actually just across the border into Cleveland.] Cannon's Ice Cream was the best. I lived two streets away from where they were, Blue Moon was my favorite, and it was actually blue ice cream, i later found out it was cantaloupe flavor, it was the best ice cream ever!! You had to pull down the side street and pull in the driveway of their home. The home was on the left and you parked your car right there (can you imagine now, if people had to wait for other people to move their car), you went down two little steps and on a little blackboard was a list of the ice creams of the day, maybe 3 or 4 choices, that was it, but it was the best!!!
-- kms516
Canon's Ice Cream was sold out of a small cinder block building behind the house on the corner of Cardwell and Turney Rd. The house is still there but the cinder block building appears to look like it's used for storage. They had the best Blue Moon ice cream.
-- Chris Silwoski, Florida
Editor's note: This collection of memories started out with a question -- the one that starts this list -- in comments on another post. Other Remembers readers were able to provide more details.
Do you have memories that you're not completely sure of? Some place or thing, some event or person that you recall, kind of, sort of, but you're not sure? Let us know in the comments below, or use our online submission form to tell us more or upload a photo you'd like to identify, and we'll see if our readers can help.