Maverick, a fan favorite since 2007.
Marvin Fong
SANDUSKY, Ohio – Cedar Point's Maverick was recently named the third best roller coaster in the nation in a 10Best.com/USA Today readers' poll, the results of which had many Cedar Point fans scratching their heads.
A great ride, Maverick -- but how can it be the third best in the United States? It’s not even the best in Sandusky.
The results got us thinking: What are the best rides at Cedar Point?
Any fan’s list will vary (you can add your choices to the comments). But here are the 10 rides I try not to miss during a day in the park:

Matthew Owen
1. Millennium Force
This is the coaster that’s generally considered the best in the park. Readers of Amusement Today have ranked it the best steel coaster in the world four years running. And it is tremendous: Super smooth, super fast and super fun – an engineering marvel. Rider tip: Grab a left-side seat, which offers amazing views of Lake Erie as you climb the ride’s 310-foot-high first hill.

Marvin Fong
2. Maverick
What it lacks in height it makes up for in might. This coaster is quick out of the gate, and never slows down, twisting and turning for 4,500 feet. With a 95-degree angle, its first hill is the steepest in the park. Not to be missed.

Scott Shaw
3. Top Thrill Dragster
At 420 feet, this ride is the tallest in the park, but forget about the views – you’re going way too fast (120 mph) to see much of anything. It’s over in a flash – 17 seconds – but these are the most exciting 17 seconds of your life (or at least your day). There’s one big problem with this ride, however: Mechanical problems keep it sidelined way too often.

Scott Shaw
4. GateKeeper
New in 2013, this ride really soars – through concrete keyholes, above the park entrance, up and down and six times around. On this winged coaster, riders hang from either side of the track, which really maximizes the flying effect. Rider tip: Wait in line for the first car, which offers a tremendous bird’s-eye view.

Jordan Sternberg
5. Windseeker
An unconventional choice here, but I love this swing ride. I find it scarier than many roller coasters simply because it’s both high (301 feet) and relatively slow (about 30 mph). You have plenty of time to ponder your existence as you twirl around the center tower. The views from the ride, sited right next to the lake, are terrific. There’s only one problem: Wind frequently disables this ride – and Lake Erie is known to produce a bit of wind.

Susan Glaser, The Plain Dealer
6. Blue Streak
Truthfully, I can barely tolerate this coaster any more – it bangs me around so much. But it is such an emotional favorite that I can't stay away. Blue Streak, 78 feet tall at its highest, celebrated its 50th birthday in 2014, making it the oldest coaster in the park (and just a tad older than yours truly). I insist on riding this once – and only once – every visit.

Courtesy Cedar Point
7. Magnum XL-200
When it was built in 1989, Magnum was the tallest, fastest and steepest coaster in the world. Its height has been surpassed a few times since, but this ride still thrills, with a 205-foot first hill, plus three tunnels, several unexpected dips and a track that runs parallel to the beach.

Susan Glaser, The Plain Dealer
8. Cedar Downs Racing Derby
Another nostalgic choice: This racing carousel was a thrill when I was a kid and it's still a ton of fun. Built in 1920 for Euclid Beach Park, the ride moved to Cedar Point in the mid-1960s. It features 64 horses, four to a row, competing for first place, at speeds of up to 15 mph. Giddy-up!

Courtesy Cedar Point
9. Gemini
Another oldie but goodie, the Gemini is a racing coaster classic, with a half-dozen fly-out-of-your-seat hilly thrills. (Why do I always fear I’m going to hit the track framing at the bottom of that first hill?) Red or blue? Try them both – there’s almost never a long line for the Gemini.

Marvin Fong
10. Rougarou
This final pick is tricky: Should it be Rougarou, new in 2015, a conversion of Mantis, Cedar Point’s former stand-up coaster? It’s way better than it was – I like dangling feet on this floorless coaster -- but it is not among the best rides at the park. Or Raptor, a ride I used to love, but which beats me up too much now (is it me or the ride?) Or maybe Wicked Twister, an inverted, U-shaped coaster that gains speed and height as you’re launched skyward. Final answer: Rougarou, the new kid on the block.

What's going in behind this fence? We should know next month. (Note: The photo was taken in May, from the Sky Ride.)
Susan Glaser, The Plain Dealer
11. A future favorite on the way?
An announcement is expected next month regarding a new ride for 2016. Earlier this year, a fence was erected around the construction site, location of the former Good Time Theatre, which was knocked down last year. A sign chronicling the history of Cedar Point's roller coaster legacy has led to some serious speculation among park fans. A new favorite on the way? Let's hope so.