Write for Us

CleverpediaLooking to write about coloring books, creativity, art, or DIY for Cleverpedia? You’ve come to the right place!

I’m always on the lookout for great ideas to share with my readers, over 17000 Pinterest followers, and over 4000 Facebook fans. I am especially interested in sharing DIY ways to use coloring book pages, coloring techniques, and novel ideas for organizing your coloring space or supplies, so if you have something to share, please get in touch!

Want to share a coloring book that you’d like me to include in a roundup, or showcase in a more detailed review? Please submit your coloring book here.

Email topic ideas or tips to [email protected] and if I am interested in your idea you’ll hear back from me within a few days!

In the meantime, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!

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