Gold $10 Coin

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by mlov43, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. mlov43

    mlov43 주화 수집가

    Just wondering what you U.S. gold collectors think of the condition and price of this $10G piece.
    Price listed at $1,500,000 South Korean Won (approx. $1,292.00 USD)
    [And no, I am not advertising this coin, since there is no link, and none of you would probably be able to find it online, anyway]
    goldcoin1.jpeg goldcoin.jpeg
    spirityoda and paddyman98 like this.
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  3. Markus1959

    Markus1959 Well-Known Member

  4. mlov43

    mlov43 주화 수집가

  5. Santinidollar

    Santinidollar Well-Known Member

    The fact that the price is quoted in South Korean currency reduces the chance it has ever seen the United States.
    Travlntiques and Markus1959 like this.
  6. mlov43

    mlov43 주화 수집가

    Well... that's certainly one question, isn't it?
  7. KoinJester

    KoinJester Well-Known Member

    The price is too high for sure
  8. messydesk

    messydesk Well-Known Member

    Too expensive. The coin shown looks to be a nice AU. $700 or so?
    mlov43 likes this.
  9. Rick Stachowski

    Rick Stachowski Motor City Car Capital

    So where was it struck at ?
  10. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank


    Or China
    Trish and Rick Stachowski like this.
  11. Rick Stachowski

    Rick Stachowski Motor City Car Capital

    The kids have taken over cointalk and now they are the " Children Of The Corn " . Lol ....
  12. Rheingold

    Rheingold Well-Known Member

    mlov43 likes this.
  13. mlov43

    mlov43 주화 수집가

    Thanks for your assessment!
  14. Jdiablo30

    Jdiablo30 Well-Known Member

    The obverse color looks pale as in a old cleaning. No more then 715$.For the asking price,another 100$ and you can get yourself a double eagle/
    mlov43 likes this.
  15. SuperDave

    SuperDave Free the Cartwheels!

    The asking price befits a nice MS63-64, but the coin certainly appears to have circulated slightly. This is the most common Branch Mint Indian Eagle, and will not carry any premium related to rarity.
    mlov43 likes this.
  16. Brett_in_Sacto

    Brett_in_Sacto Well-Known Member

    The fact that there's a super-imposed image (watermark) across the coin picture would lead me to believe that they are using that picture to advertise multiples - and coming from Asia overseas I would expect a fake that is similar looking.

    It has trouble written all over it (literally). Caveat Emptor!

    Right now the first one I find on Ebay is an MS61 in an NGC slab for $899.00
  17. mlov43

    mlov43 주화 수집가

    Thanks for your thoughts.

    This coin is actually being sold as a single coin by a Seoul-based B&M/online retailer that only sells to local, Korean customers: The retailer's entire site is exclusively in the Korean language, and he makes zero effort to sell outside of Korea. In fact, you cannot purchase from this retailer other than by using cash or card in person at his B&M store, or via internet, and in that case he only accepts funds drawn from Korea-based bank accounts.

    So offering this coin for sale online is not an effort to rip off anybody outside of Korea, if that's what people may think. For sure, Koreans have been known to fake things in the past (I remember getting cheap, Korean-made "Nike-alike" shoes in the early 80s --South Korea was only a signatory to international copyright law in 1986, and even then it took them a while to get used to that idea!), but they don't really seem to be very interested in producing numismatic forgeries; and coin collectors/retailers in Korea are very sensitive to Chinese forgeries, from what I can gather.

    Also, this retailer uses this watermark on all of the "better" photos of his online merchandise.
  18. Brett_in_Sacto

    Brett_in_Sacto Well-Known Member

    Ok, well it sounds like you've done your homework on him. Again, that coin should go for about $700 or so, a bit more in a holder depending on grade.

    Good luck!
  19. coinzip

    coinzip Well-Known Member

    I don't like the counterstamp .... :)
  20. ToughCOINS

    ToughCOINS Dealer Member Moderator

    I won't identify all suspect areas, but the mintmark alone should tell all potential buyers that this is not a genuine mint product.
  21. mlov43

    mlov43 주화 수집가

    Wow. Thanks for that assessment. I wonder if there's another person here who would think so? This is the first serious assessment of this coin as a fake.
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