United Arab Emirates - 1 Dirham & 50 Fils

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by paddyman98, Jul 1, 2017.

  1. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    Hi all,
    Yesterday was my last day at my part-time office cleaning job that I did for 5 years. No more waking up at 2AM :smuggrin:

    One of the tenants got rid of these coins so I got them
    They are -
    United Arab Emirates
    1 Dirham & 50 Fils
    IMG_20170701_095345_3356.jpg IMG_20170701_095309_7221.jpg IMG_20170701_095325_4028.jpg IMG_20170701_095234_1862.jpg IMG_20170701_095251_8405.jpg
    pragmatic and Pickin and Grinin like this.
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  3. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    I want to share the following Numista website information with you -
    Capture+_2017-07-01-10-10-03.png Capture+_2017-07-01-10-10-45.png Capture+_2017-07-01-10-11-11.png Capture+_2017-07-01-10-11-49.png Capture+_2017-07-01-10-12-07.png Capture+_2017-07-01-10-12-32.png
  4. pragmatic

    pragmatic Well-Known Member

    just a wee correction. the one dirhams you have are the small type with;
    Weight: 6.4
    Diameter: 24
    Thickness: 1.9

    I have some of the small type and only one of the large type 1973 and one coin 50 fils (Zayed) not like the one you have/ i shared them here to see the difference in size between both types/ try to get the 1973 coin. this is the first issuing of dirham coin. it is worth to collect :)

    it is worth to categorize their 1 dirham into two types: large (1973-1989) and small type (1990-present), and the 50 fils into two types: Zayed; rounded (1973-1989) and Khalifah; heptagon: a) Non-magnetic 1995-2007 and b) magnetic (2013-2017)
    20170702_170831.jpg 20170702_170731.jpg
    paddyman98 likes this.
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