Valuable Coins

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by Lil T, Dec 13, 2018.

  1. Lil T

    Lil T New Member

    I found these when going through my coins. They look in very good condition. How do I know if valuable? Do you get them graded? If so, how and where? And yes I am new at this....trying to learn. Thank you for all your help. I really appreciate it.
    20181213_020721.jpg 20181213_020705.jpg 20181213_005549.jpg 20181213_005439.jpg 20181213_004953.jpg 20181213_004940.jpg 20181213_004953.jpg

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  3. frankjg

    frankjg Well-Known Member

    The 59 is in decent shape but all of them are common. The 59 is probably worth .25-.50 cents. The others are worth a cent.

    Grab yourself a Red Book of US coins and study it, enjoy being around it, use it sometimes.
  4. frankjg

    frankjg Well-Known Member

    Forgot to add, do not get them graded.
  5. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Unfortunately, those are not valuable coins at all. They're quite common and low-value, and not remotely worth the considerable expense of having them professionally certified.

    However, they are attractive, with that full mint luster.

    Common... but pretty.
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