La importancia de los 1000 primeros días: guía de salud bucodental de la mujer gestante y bebé
Dra. Yaiza Cuba: Odontopediatra
🗓29 January 2025 14:30:00 CET 📍Spain
Miért nem volt 10000 évvel ezelőtt fognyaki érzékenység? Tünetek, okok, terápiák napjainkban
Dr Volom András PhD - vezető főorvos
🗓12 March 2025 19:00:00 CET 📍Hungary
ON demand
Βήμα 3 - Χειρουργική θεραπεία ενδοστικών βλαβών ελαχιστοποιώντας το τραύμα ιστών
Δρ. Δανάη Απατζίδου
ON demand
O papel determinante do higienista oral português
Drª. Fátima Duarte
ON demand
Beneficios de la Odontología Preventiva y de su abordaje en la Clínica
Dra. Sonia Miranda García
#ColgateTalks eConference
A big thank you to you and your team in Colgate. It was organized and done very professionally!
Elmar Reich
Session 1 – GenY prevention – what does it mean for your practice? -
Vielen Dank an das gesamte Team für die Organisation und Durchführung der Veranstaltung.
War toll,
dabei zu sein.Anahita Jablonski-Momeni
Session 2 – Do we abandon our caries risk patients after 18? -
It was a wonderful experience to be part of. Thank you very much for all the good care you and your team took of us as speakers!
Catherine Volgenant
Session 3 – Beyond toothbrushing, towards a healthier mouth
“I really look forward to attending future online conferences!!”eCon participant, 2017
“This is a brilliant way to learn!”eCon participant, 2017
“Very nice idea to be able to participate in eConference with speakers from different countries. No waste of time for travel and able to attend in comfort of home. Great!”eCon participant, 2017