About McCullough
Our Vision: McCullough Middle School is challenging students to be academically, socially and technologically prepared for high school and beyond.
Our Motto: Believing, Persevering and Succeeding
The McCullough staff is committed to the Colonial School District goal: “Improving the Academic Achievement of All Students.” At McCullough Middle School, we provide many opportunities for students to succeed and offer an inviting school environment that facilitates the intellectual, physical, emotional, and social development of children. We hold fast to the idea that learning encourages success and that assessment, including self-assessment, is a critical part of learning. We realize that students have multiple intelligences that need to be recognized and nurtured, and students learn by taking risks in a student-centered, accepting environment.
- McCullough Middle School serves approximately 760 students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades in preparation for future success in high school, college and career.
- Students have the daily opportunity to interact with technologies such as Smart Boards, iPads, and Chromebooks to enhance their learning experiences.
- All students are enrolled in a daily Enrichment period to accelerate and remediate academic and life skills. • Academics
- More than 100 students perform in music programs including Band, Chorus, and the annual Spring Musical Production.
- McCullough is home to a state of the art Fitness Center, which opened in the fall of 2013. The National Foundation for Governors’ Fitness Council Chairman Jake Steinfeld from Body by Jake, joined Delaware Governor Jack Markel to kick off the grand opening ceremony on September 26, 2013. The Foundation supported a grant with Coca-Cola to award a $100,000 Fitness Center to three schools in three states, McCullough being one of the recipients. The facility has thirty-six machines. The Fitness Center supports our Positive Behavior Support Program, Health and Physical Education courses, and curricular experiences including data analysis, goal setting, reflection and student motivation.
McCullough offers several extra-curricular activities including:
Sports – Soccer, Field Hockey, Cheerleading, Wrestling, Boys and Girls Basketball, Boys and Girls Track, Baseball, and Softball o Clubs – Business Professionals of America, Student Council, Yearbook, Choir, Newspaper, Math 24, Science Olympiad, Girls on Track, among others