The colors beginning with the letter T include plenty of popular names like “teal,” “turquoise,” and “Tuscan.” Despite the presence of some famous blue and green shades, an unusually high number of T colors tend to be some shade of brown or red, which colors the overall average shade of this collection. Whether you’re looking for a “tall,” “top,” or “true” shade, you’ll find it below!
Here’s a list of colors that start with T, including names, Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes:
T-shirt Green
T-shirt Green is a warm shade of medium-light green with strong yellow undertones and just a hint of deeper blue. As a color, it draws its inspiration from the soft, worn-out appearance of an old t-shirt.
T-shirt Green
Hex #1BB35B
RGB 27, 179, 91
CMYK 85, 0, 49, 30
Tabac is a cool shade of brown with strong gray and black undertones that push the overall appearance even darker and give it a muted, reserved final appearance.
Hex #585044
RGB 88, 80, 68
CMYK 0, 9, 23, 65
Named after and inspired by the spicy condiment of the same name, Tabasco is a vivid shade of deep red with hints of orange and brown for a “hotter” or more savory finish.
Hex #A02712
RGB 160, 39, 18
CMYK 0, 76, 89, 37
Tabby is a warm, soft shade of light brown with hints of yellow and red throughout that takes its inspiration from the lighter areas of patterning on a tabby cat.
Hex #C5B298
RGB 197, 178, 152
CMYK 0, 10, 23, 23
Tacão is the Portuguese word for “heel”—the part of a heeled shoe that supports the foot. As a color, Tacao is a warm, brisk shade of orange with strong red and gold undertones for some extra energy and excitement.
Hex #EDB381
RGB 237, 179, 129
CMYK 0, 24, 46, 7
Despite its unglamorous name—“tacha” literally means “blemish” in Spanish—Tacha is a surprisingly flattering shade of warm golden yellow with notes of green and brown for a smooth, brassy finish.
Hex #D6C562
RGB 214, 197, 98
CMYK 0, 8, 54, 16
While taffeta fabric can be found in just about every color, deep-dyed colors are some of the most popular. As a color, Taffeta is a warm, rich shade of purple with subtle red undertones for added intensity.
Hex #996E9E
RGB 153, 110, 158
CMYK 3, 30, 0, 38
Taffy Cream
Taffy Cream is an even, sugary shade of off-white with strong notes of yellow and gold running throughout for a shade that combines the sweetness of taffy candy with the light, smooth notes of cream.
Taffy Cream
RGB 254, 241, 173
CMYK 0, 5, 32, 0
Tahiti Gold
Tahiti Gold is a deep shade of rich golden orange, with plenty of red beneath the surface to help capture the heat and vibrancy of a brilliant Tahitian sunset.
Tahiti Gold
Hex #E97C07
RGB 233, 124, 7
CMYK 0, 47, 97, 9
Tahuna Sands
“Tahuna” is the Maori word for “beach”, so it should come as no surprise that Tahuna Sands is a bright, universal shade of warm brown with white highlights for a muted, weather-worn finish.
Tahuna Sands
Hex #EEF0C8
RGB 238, 240, 200
CMYK 1, 0, 17, 6
Tākaka is a small town located right on the northern end of South Island, New Zealand. As a color, Takaka is a brisk, deep blue shade that captures some of the vibrant water and open sky feeling of that town.
Hex #3D4D78
RGB 61, 77, 120
CMYK 49, 36, 0, 53
Talisman is a mystical shade of deep brown with hints of red and orange beneath the surface that lend a touch of heat to an otherwise cool brown shade.
Hex #655D50
RGB 101, 93, 80
CMYK 0, 8, 21, 60
Tall Poppy
Tall Poppy is a vivid shade of bright orange-red that draws its inspiration from the brilliant red flowers that grow across Europe and the Middle East.
Tall Poppy
Hex #B32D29
RGB 179, 45, 41
CMYK 0, 75, 77, 30
Tallow is a rendered beef or mutton fat that typically has a much lighter or paler appearance than the mild shade of medium green-gray or brown that shares the same name.
Hex #A8A589
RGB 168, 165, 137
CMYK 0, 2, 18, 34
Sometimes referred to as the “tree tomato”, the tamarillo is a small fruit grown around the world, easily distinguished by its bright red or orange egg-shaped fruit.
Hex #991613
RGB 153, 22, 19
CMYK 0, 86, 88, 40
Tamarillo Orange
As mentioned above, tamarillo fruits can come in a handful of various colors, but Tamarillo Orange draws its inspiration from the brilliant yellow-orange that some of the different tamarillo varieties produce.
Tamarillo Orange
Hex #FE8915
RGB 254, 137, 21
CMYK 0, 46, 92, 0
Originally native to tropical Africa, the tamarind tree produces fruit with a glossy, deep brown rind and a reddish brown flesh. As a color, Tamarind draws its inspiration from the deep brown-black of the hard outer rind.
Hex #341515
RGB 52, 21, 21
CMYK 0, 60, 60, 80
Tan is a warm shade of light brown that dates all the way back to the mid 1500s, when the word was first used to describe a color roughly the same shade as tree bark.
Hex #D2B48C
RGB 210, 180, 140
CMYK 0, 14, 33, 18
Tan Hide
Tan Hide, on the other hand, draws its inspiration from the “tanning” process of treating leather—the end result is a warmer, brighter shade of orange with only a hint of brown.
Tan Hide
Hex #FA9D5A
RGB 250, 157, 90
CMYK 0, 37, 64, 2
Tana is another pale shade of brown, but this shade goes even lighter to create a pale off-white shade with softer tan and brown undertones to lend just a hint of color.
Hex #D9DCC1
RGB 217, 220, 193
CMYK 1, 0, 12, 14
The word “tandoori” typically reflects any type of food that was cooked in a tandoor, a cylindrical oven made of metal or stone. As a color, Tandoori is a deep, wood-fired shade of brown with strong red undertones for heat and vibrancy.
Hex #8D4532
RGB 141, 69, 50
CMYK 0, 51, 65, 45
In Maori mythology, Tangaroa is the atua or god of the lakes, rivers, seas, and all of the animals that live therein. As a color, Tangaroa is a deep shade of vibrant blue with strong green undertones that help to capture the power and influence that the name typically wields.
Hex #03163C
RGB 3, 22, 60
CMYK 95, 63, 0, 76
A hybrid of a tangerine and a pomelo, a tangelo is a brilliantly orange citrus fruit, and the color that shares its name captures some of that bright, cheerful color.
Hex #F94D00
RGB 249, 77, 0
CMYK 0, 69, 100, 2
Tangerine is a little bit paler than Tangelo, but this second citrus-inspired color still retains the characteristic orange hue that sets most citrus-y shades apart.
Hex #F28500
RGB 242, 133, 0
CMYK 0, 45, 100, 5
Tangerine Yellow
Tangerine Yellow is a much brighter shade than the previous two entries, and the “yellow” part of its name comes through in full force to create a dazzling shade of vivid yellow with only a hint of orange undertones.
Tangerine Yellow
Hex #FFCC00
RGB 255, 204, 0
CMYK 0, 20, 100, 0
Tango is a bold, intense orange shade with strong red and pink undertones to create a color that’s as inviting as it is passionate.
Hex #ED7A1C
RGB 237, 122, 28
CMYK 0, 49, 88, 7
Tango Pink
Also known as Candy Pink, Tango Pink is a softer, more energetic version of “true” Tango, with a stronger, sweeter undertone and a sugary overall finish.
Tango Pink
Hex #E4717A
RGB 228, 113, 122
CMYK 0, 50, 46, 11
Tao Grey
Tao Grey is a solemn, weighted gray shade with hints of blue and black beneath the surface for a quiet, meditative finish that lends an extra visual impact.
Tao Grey
Hex #323436
RGB 50, 52, 54
CMYK 7, 4, 0, 79
Tapa is a relatively dark shade of brown—a deep, sturdy color with cooler gray and black undertones running beneath the surface.
Hex #7B7874
RGB 123, 120, 116
CMYK 0, 2, 6, 52
Tapestry is a rich, multilayered shade of pink with strong purple undertones and an overwhelmingly red finish that helps to create a sense of careful artistry and weathered history.
Hex #B05E81
RGB 176, 94, 129
CMYK 0, 47, 27, 31
As you might expect, given the name, Tar is a very dark black shade with subtle white and gray hints for a glossy finish and a sticky, pitch-like overall appearance.
Hex #383838
RGB 56, 56, 56
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 78
Tara is a very soft off-white shade with hints of blue and green beneath the surface to brighten the shade, lend some depth, and give it a cooler, more reserved finish.
Hex #E1F6E8
RGB 225, 246, 232
CMYK 9, 0, 6, 4
Named after the volcanic mountain on New Zealand’s North Island, Tarawera is a stern, stately shade of deep blue with black undertones, inspired by both the mountain’s shadow and the ocean it overlooks.
Hex #073A50
RGB 7, 58, 80
CMYK 91, 28, 0, 69
Tarmac is a brisk, no-nonsense shade of gray with only a subtle yellow undertone running beneath the surface, inspired by the cool, hardworking gray asphalt of an airport tarmac.
Hex #6F6F6E
RGB 111, 111, 110
CMYK 0, 0, 1, 56
Tarot is a mystical shade of deep reddish purple with strong gray and black undertones, perfect for reading fortunes and telling the future.
Hex #38293D
RGB 56, 41, 61
CMYK 8, 33, 0, 76
Tart Orange
Tart Orange may have started as just a standard orange shade, but the burst of brighter red and sharper yellow is what intensifies this color and gives it its “tart” appearance.
Tart Orange
Hex #FB4D46
RGB 251, 77, 70
CMYK 0, 69, 72, 2
Tasman is a cool, khaki green color with strong brown and gray undertones that give the shade a crisp, linen-like overall appearance.
RGB 207, 220, 207
CMYK 6, 0, 6, 14
The word taupe comes from the French word for “mole”, as this dark blackish brown color was originally inspired by the dense fur of the small subterranean mammals.
Hex #483C32
RGB 72, 60, 50
CMYK 0, 17, 31, 72
Taupe Gray
Taupe Gray takes a traditional Taupe base and lightens it considerably by adding a pale gray overlay. The end result is a smooth, stately shade of gray with hints of red and brown beneath the surface.
Taupe Gray
Hex #8B8589
RGB 139, 133, 137
CMYK 0, 4, 1, 45
Tawny is a light brown color with strong brown and orange shades that dates back to medieval times and was originally derived from the Medieval Latin word tannare, which refers to “crushed oak bark”.
Hex #DEAA88
RGB 222, 170, 136
CMYK 0, 23, 39, 13
Tawny Port
Tawny Port combines that same tan brown shade with a much deeper Port Red in order to create this deep, rich shade of dark red with strong brown undertones.
Tawny Port
Hex #692545
RGB 105, 37, 69
CMYK 0, 65, 34, 59
Tax Break
Tax Break is a cool, clinical shade of medium-dark green with strong gray undertones and a hint of cooler blue running beneath the surface.
Tax Break
Hex #496569
RGB 73, 101, 105
CMYK 30, 4, 0, 59
Te Papa Green
Te Papa is a very dark green shade that borders on black, with only the slightest hints of yellow and blue to add color to this deep color.
Te Papa Green
Hex #1E433C
RGB 30, 67, 60
CMYK 55, 0, 10, 74
Tea is a soft, pale shade of brown with strong gray undertones—the perfect color to capture a cup of tea that’s been sweetened with cream and sugar.
Hex #C1BAB0
RGB 193, 186, 176
CMYK 0, 4, 9, 24
Tea Green
Tea Green is more closely inspired by green tea—a brisk, bright shade of green with strong yellow undertones and a soft, creamy finish.
Tea Green
Hex #D0F0C0
RGB 208, 240, 192
CMYK 13, 0, 20, 6
Tea Rose
Tea Rose is a sweet, gentle shade of pink with subtle red and orange undertones that give it a brighter, more cheerful overall appearance.
Tea Rose
Hex #F88379
RGB 248, 131, 121
CMYK 0, 47, 51, 3
Teak is a rich, intense shade of brown with strong yellow and orange notes and just a hint of green—inspired by the luxurious hardwood that’s so highly valued around the world.
Hex #B19461
RGB 177, 148, 97
CMYK 0, 16, 45, 31
Teal actually takes its name from the feathers of the Eurasian teal, which has a stripe of feathers on its head in almost this exact shade of mild bluish green.
Hex #008080
RGB 0, 128, 128
CMYK 100, 0, 0, 50
Teal Blue
Teal Blue starts with a standard Teal base and increases the blue values in order to create a muted shade of cool, calm blue with hints of green and gray underneath the surface.
Teal Blue
Hex #367588
RGB 54, 117, 136
CMYK 60, 14, 0, 47
Teal Deer
Teal Deer combines the soft bluish green notes of a standard Teal with a bright, cheerful shade of Deer or Fawn brown. The end result is a bright green shade with strong yellow and white undertones throughout.
Teal Deer
Hex #99E6B3
RGB 153, 230, 179
CMYK 33, 0, 22, 10
Teal Green
As compared to Teal Blue, Teal Green is a much deeper shade—a bold, robust shade of green with some subtle hints of blue for a touch of a cooler, more measured color.
Teal Green
Hex #00827F
RGB 0, 130, 127
CMYK 100, 0, 2, 49
Techno is a fast-paced and hardworking shade of brown with notes of green and gray running beneath the surface to help create a modern, innovative finished product.
Hex #8E886E
RGB 142, 136, 110
CMYK 0, 4, 23, 44
Telemagenta combines the standard violet pink appearance of a “true” Magenta with a brighter, more digital Magenta shade in order to create this bright, cheerful shade of reddish pink.
Hex #CF3476
RGB 207, 52, 118
CMYK 0, 75, 43, 19
Tempo is a darkly energetic shade of deep brownish black with notes of red and orange helping to keep pace with the strong black overtones.
Hex #462B31
RGB 70, 43, 49
CMYK 0, 39, 30, 73
Temptress is a deep, exotic black shade with notes of red and magenta beneath the surface for a romantic, almost sensual overall finish.
Hex #3B000B
RGB 59, 0, 11
CMYK 0, 100, 81, 77
Very similar in appearance to Tawny—and derived from the same original inspiration, Tenné is a bright shade of orange-brown that is often seen in French and English heraldry.
Hex #CD5700
RGB 205, 87, 0
CMYK 0, 58, 100, 20
Tequila is a brisk, warm shade of pale off-white with strong red and brown undertones, inspired by the mostly-clear liquor of the same name.
Hex #FFE6C7
RGB 255, 230, 199
CMYK 0, 10, 22, 0
Teranova is a rich shade of dark brown that draws its inspiration from the rich potential and promise of growth that can be found in a “new earth” or in a field of freshly turned soil.
Hex #7A3A2B
RGB 122, 58, 43
CMYK 0, 52, 65, 52
Terra Cotta
Terra Cotta literally means “baked earth”—a deep reddish orange shade that draws its color from the copper and clay pigments baked into most terracotta sculptures and works of art.
Terra Cotta
Hex #E2725B
RGB 226, 114, 91
CMYK 0, 50, 60, 11
Terracotta Hit
Terracotta Hit packs a bit of a punch as compared to the previous entry, but the overall appearance is still an overwhelmingly brown shade with hints of orange and red beneath the surface.
Terracotta Hit
Hex #8E5037
RGB 142, 80, 55
CMYK 0, 44, 61, 44
Terracotta Pink
Terracotta Pink pushes the red values even further while tamping down on the stronger orange notes in order to create this rich shade of deep red with brown highlights.
Terracotta Pink
Hex #9B3D3D
RGB 155, 61, 61
CMYK 0, 61, 61, 39
Terrain is a cool, wide-open shade of pale gray with hints of yellow and green for an overall color that mimics the vast expanse of some newly-discovered viewpoint.
Hex #ADAD99
RGB 173, 173, 153
CMYK 0, 0, 12, 32
Texas is a brilliant shade of yellow with strong white and pale gray undertones that only highlight the brilliant heat and wide-open spaces of the state that shares its name.
Hex #F8F99C
RGB 248, 249, 156
CMYK 0, 0, 37, 2
Texas Rose
Texas Rose combines the bright yellow shades of Texas with a sweeter, softer Rose shade in order to create this medium-light shade of orange with hints of yellow and pink throughout.
Texas Rose
Hex #FFB555
RGB 255, 181, 85
CMYK 0, 29, 67, 0
Thatch is a mild, hardworking shade of brown with strong magenta and yellow undertones throughout that help to evoke the feeling of a thatched roof and worn cottage.
Hex #B69D98
RGB 182, 157, 152
CMYK 0, 14, 16, 29
Thatch Green
Thatch Green is a much darker shade, but it still retains the yellow and red undertones that originally distinguished the previous entry on this list.
Thatch Green
Hex #403D19
RGB 64, 61, 25
CMYK 0, 5, 61, 75
Thistle is a soft shade of pale purple with warm pink highlights that draws its inspiration from the small flowers found growing on the prickly plant.
Hex #D8BFD8
RGB 216, 191, 216
CMYK 0, 12, 0, 15
Thistle Green
Thistle Green, on the other hand, is more directly inspired by the dusty sage green appearance that the leaves and stems of most European thistle plants often take on.
Thistle Green
RGB 204, 202, 168
CMYK 0, 1, 18, 20
Three Wishes
Three Wishes is an extremely pale shade of lavender purple with hints of pink and violet for a nostalgic, fairytale-esque finish and a romantic overall appearance.
Three Wishes
RGB 210, 218, 237
CMYK 11, 8, 0, 7
Thulian Pink
Also known as First Lady Pink, Thulian Pink is a bold, sweet shade of medium-dark pink that takes its name from the farthest northern land in Greek and Roman mythology.
Thulian Pink
Hex #DE6FA1
RGB 222, 111, 161
CMYK 0, 50, 27, 13
Thunder is a deep, heavy shade of black with strong brown and red undertones that helps to capture the power and intensity of a rolling thunderstorm.
Hex #33292F
RGB 51, 41, 47
CMYK 0, 20, 8, 80
Thunderbird is a vivid red shade with strong brown and orange undertones that draws its inspiration from the iconography of the legendary bird found in Native American cultures across the United States.
Hex #C02B18
RGB 192, 43, 24
CMYK 0, 78, 88, 25
Tia Maria
Tia Maria is a bold crimson shade, which means that it carries strong orange and yellow undertones that help to push the values further for an even brighter finish.
Tia Maria
Hex #C1440E
RGB 193, 68, 14
CMYK 0, 65, 93, 24
Tiara is a soft shade of gray with subtle blue undertones, inspired by the glint of light off of the silver or gemstones of a classical tiara.
Hex #C3D1D1
RGB 195, 209, 209
CMYK 7, 0, 0, 18
Named after the third-longest river in Italy—and the river that flows through the city of Rome—Tiber is a deep, dramatic shade of bluish green that borders on black and pays homage to the weight and history of that mighty waterway.
Hex #063537
RGB 6, 53, 55
CMYK 89, 4, 0, 78
Tickle Me Pink
Inspired by a whimsical saying from the mid-1800s, Tickle Me Pink is a bright, cheerful shade of pink with subtle yellow and white undertones.
Tickle Me Pink
Hex #FC89AC
RGB 252, 137, 172
CMYK 0, 46, 32, 1
Tickled Pink
Tickled Pink is a darker variation on the previous entry, with stronger red and purple undertones for a deeper, more dramatic finished product.
Tickled Pink
Hex #962C54
RGB 150, 44, 84
CMYK 0, 71, 44, 41
Tidal is a soft yellow shade with hints of green and blue, inspired by the sands and rocks that are exposed in tidal pools along the ocean’s shoreline.
RGB 241, 255, 173
CMYK 5, 0, 32, 0
Tide is a cool shade of almost brackish gray with notes of purple and green that help to capture some of the turbulence and pull of a tidal current.
Hex #BFB8B0
RGB 191, 184, 176
CMYK 0, 4, 8, 25
Tiebreaker is a solemn, pragmatic shade of dark bluish gray that manages to strike a compromise between both shades in order to create this cool, stately hue.
Hex #8E97AB
RGB 142, 151, 171
CMYK 17, 12, 0, 33
Tiffany Blue
Tiffany Blue is the iconic bluish green color found in all the marketing and packaging produced by Tiffany & Co., the famous jewelry company in New York City.
Tiffany Blue
Hex #0ABAB5
RGB 10, 186, 181
CMYK 95, 0, 3, 27
Tiger Lily
Tiger Lily is a warm, bright shade of yellow that takes its inspiration and name from the Tiger Lily flower, which often produces flowers in this color.
Tiger Lily
Hex #DDE574
RGB 221, 229, 116
CMYK 3, 0, 49, 10
Tiger Orange
Tiger Orange is a deep brownish orange shade, inspired by the instantly-recognizable coat of the animal that shares its name.
Tiger Orange
Hex #C46210
RGB 196, 98, 16
CMYK 0, 50, 92, 23
Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s Eye is a little bit paler than the previous entry, drawing its inspiration not from a tiger’s coat but rather from the pale yellow-orange eyes that these animals often sport.
Tiger’s Eye
Hex #E08D3C
RGB 224, 141, 60
CMYK 0, 37, 73, 12
Tigger is an even brighter shade of yellowish orange, inspired by the cheerful, bouncing tiger character from A. A. Milnes’ Hundred Acre Woods collection of children’s stories.
Hex #F99E45
RGB 249, 158, 69
CMYK 0, 37, 72, 2
Tile Green
Tile Green is a deep green shade with strong black and gray undertones that combine to create a dark, cool shade with hints of brighter yellow and white.
Tile Green
Hex #26433A
RGB 38, 67, 58
CMYK 43, 0, 13, 74
Timber Green
Timber Green takes its inspiration from the dark shadows and deep colors of a heavy forest in order to produce this very dark green shade with black highlights.
Timber Green
Hex #16322C
RGB 22, 50, 44
CMYK 56, 0, 12, 80
Timberland pushes even further than Timber Green in order to create a brown shade that borders on black and carries some subtle green undertones to hint at the land that supports such heavy growth.
Hex #4C332A
RGB 76, 51, 42
CMYK 0, 33, 45, 70
Timberwolf is a pale shade of grayish brown that draws its inspiration from the thick fur of the wolves that can often be found living in densely forested regions.
Hex #DBD7D2
RGB 219, 215, 210
CMYK 0, 2, 4, 14
Time Out
Time Out is a cool shade of blue with notes of lavender and violet that provides a “time out” or a break from some of the more hectic colors on this list.
Time Out
Hex #AAC2E3
RGB 170, 194, 227
CMYK 25, 15, 0, 11
Time Warp
Time Warp is a deep, mystical shade of dark blue with strong purple undertones that help to convey a sense of mystery or confusion despite the overall calm appearance.
Time Warp
Hex #374467
RGB 55, 68, 103
CMYK 47, 34, 0, 60
Tinkerbell is a bright, “magical” shade of yellow that draws its inspiration from the little fairy’s hair in the famous Disney adaptation of J. M. Barrie’s Peter Pan stories.
Hex #FCD763
RGB 252, 215, 99
CMYK 0, 15, 61, 1
Tinpan Alley
Tinpan Alley is a dark, brisk shade of gray with silvery notes as a nod to the “tin” part of its name, while the stronger brown undertones provide the grit and grime of the “alley” portion.
Tinpan Alley
Hex #5C5B59
RGB 92, 91, 89
CMYK 0, 1, 3, 64
Tiri is an extremely dark shade of grayish black with only the slightest hints of yellow and red to lift the overall color and give it a bit of heat.
Hex #46413E
RGB 70, 65, 62
CMYK 0, 7, 11, 73
Titan White
Titan White is a bold, powerful shade of white with subtle blue and purple undertones that help to exalt the shade and give it an almost celestial finish.
Titan White
RGB 240, 238, 255
CMYK 6, 7, 0, 0
Another fairy-inspired name, Titania takes its name from the fairy queen in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream—a cool, crisp brown shade with notes of fiery orange beneath.
Hex #CAC7B9
RGB 202, 199, 185
CMYK 0, 1, 8, 21
Titanium is a strong, steady shade of gray with hints of orange and brown, inspired by the metallic element that shares the same name.
Hex #878681
RGB 135, 134, 129
CMYK 0, 1, 4, 47
Titanium Yellow
Titanium Yellow carries some of that same strength and endurance but tempers the cooler notes with a bold dash of yellow in order to create this bright, brassy shade.
Titanium Yellow
Hex #EEE600
RGB 238, 230, 0
CMYK 0, 3, 100, 7
Toadstool is a bright, dangerous shade of red that takes its inspiration from the intense colors of the fatally poisonous fungus of the same name.
Hex #FD0100
RGB 253, 1, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 1
Toast is a warm, homely shade of brown that draws its inspiration from the comforting aroma and appearance of deeply toasted bread.
Hex #9A6E61
RGB 154, 110, 97
CMYK 0, 29, 37, 40
Toasted Green
Toasted Green takes those same brown notes and applies them to a standard green shade in order to create a deep shade of dark green with subtle brown undertones.
Toasted Green
Hex #655535
RGB 101, 85, 53
CMYK 0, 16, 48, 60
Tobacco Brown
Tobacco Brown is a deep shade of brown with strong black and gray undertones, inspired by the dried tobacco leaves that have been smoked for centuries.
Tobacco Brown
Hex #715D47
RGB 113, 93, 71
CMYK 0, 18, 37, 56
Inspired by the Caribbean island of the same name, Tobago is a dark black shade with notes of warm brown and orange to capture the heat and excitement of the island itself.
Hex #44362D
RGB 68, 54, 45
CMYK 0, 21, 34, 73
Toffee is a warm, sweet shade of brown with strong undertones of bright, buttery yellow that help to evoke the taste of the candy that shares its name.
Hex #71432B
RGB 113, 67, 43
CMYK 0, 41, 62, 56
Toi Toi
Toi Toi is a brisk, practical shade of dusty brown with stronger yellow and gray undertones, inspired by the city of the same name in New Zealand.
Toi Toi
Hex #B7AD8B
RGB 183, 173, 139
CMYK 0, 5, 24, 28
Toledo is a dark black shade with hints of red and yellow beneath the surface for a little bit of added depth and heat.
Hex #3A0020
RGB 58, 0, 32
CMYK 0, 100, 45, 77
Tolopea is another dark blue shade with subtle red and violet undertones that help to push the overall intensity even further for a darker finish.
Hex #1B0245
RGB 27, 2, 69
CMYK 61, 97, 0, 73
Tom Thumb
Tom Thumb is a deep shade of dark green, inspired by the main character in the first fairy tale ever printed in English.
Tom Thumb
Hex #3F583B
RGB 63, 88, 59
CMYK 28, 0, 33, 65
Tom Tom
Tom Tom is a medium-dark shade of grayish brown with strong red and violet highlights running throughout.
Tom Tom
Hex #92827F
RGB 146, 130, 127
CMYK 0, 11, 13, 43
Tomahawk is a brisk, warlike shade of dark brown with fiery red and orange undertones lurking just beneath the surface.
Hex #524340
RGB 82, 67, 64
CMYK 0, 18, 22, 68
Tomato is a brilliant shade of orange red with strong yellow highlights and a bright, cheerful finish, inspired by the technically-a-fruit of the same name.
Hex #FF6347
RGB 255, 99, 71
CMYK 0, 61, 72, 0
Tonto is a cool shade of gray with subtle red and yellow undertones that give the overall color a slight brown tint.
Hex #9F9596
RGB 159, 149, 150
CMYK 0, 6, 6, 38
Toolbox is a cool shade of blue with strong purple undertones, inspired by the metal cases that workmen use to carry their equipment.
Hex #746CC0
RGB 116, 108, 192
CMYK 40, 44, 0, 25
Toolbox Red
Toolbox Red is pretty much on the other side of the spectrum, but it still carries that same brisk, professional feeling that “true” Toolbox provides.
Toolbox Red
Hex #ED2323
RGB 237, 35, 35
CMYK 0, 85, 85, 7
Top Gear
Top Gear is a deep shade of glossy black with a subtle yellow undertone that gives it a brassy, almost metallic overall appearance.
Top Gear
Hex #24221A
RGB 36, 34, 26
CMYK 0, 6, 28, 86
Top Secret
Top Secret is a mysterious shade of green with subtle notes of yellow and gray hiding beneath the surface for a little bit of added depth.
Top Secret
Hex #7AAC21
RGB 122, 172, 33
CMYK 29, 0, 81, 33
In its natural state, topaz is colorless, but it can be treated to take on a number of different shades. As a color, Topaz is the warm yellow-white color of natural topaz with a few trace minerals lurking within.
Hex #FFC87C
RGB 255, 200, 124
CMYK 0, 22, 51, 0
Topsy Turvy
Topsy Turvy is a whimsical shade of dark blue with brighter purple and red undertones running throughout for an extra bit of flair.
Topsy Turvy
Hex #313669
RGB 49, 54, 105
CMYK 53, 49, 0, 59
Tornado is a deep, murky shade of gray with strong blue undertones and just a hint of brown as a reflection of the turbulence and unrest that a tornado can create.
Hex #5B6B84
RGB 91, 107, 132
CMYK 31, 19, 0, 48
Torris Blue
Torris Blue is a cool, mild shade of blue with strong gray undertones and a very subtle hint of green for added depth.
Torris Blue
Hex #487393
RGB 72, 115, 147
CMYK 51, 22, 0, 42
Named after the famous historical opera, Tosca is a dramatic variation on Imperial Red—which makes sense, as the opera concerns itself primarily with the Napoleonic invasion of Italy.
Hex #8D3F3F
RGB 141, 63, 63
CMYK 0, 55, 55, 45
Toto is a bright, cheerful blue shade with hints of gray for a twist on a classic color—the perfect shade for when you’re not in Kansas anymore!
Hex #519DAF
RGB 81, 157, 175
CMYK 54, 10, 0, 31
Touch Wood
Touch Wood is a dark shade of brown with strong black undertones that push the overall color even darker and more intense.
Touch Wood
Hex #3A372E
RGB 58, 55, 46
CMYK 0, 5, 21, 77
Tower Gray
Tower Gray is a cold, reserved shade of gray with light hints of green and blue for a more formidable, unassailable front.
Tower Gray
RGB 169, 189, 191
CMYK 12, 1, 0, 25
Tractor Red
Tractor Red is a vivid red shade with hardly any orange or yellow to temper the brilliant color of this hardworking hue.
Tractor Red
Hex #FD0E35
RGB 253, 14, 53
CMYK 0, 94, 79, 1
Tradewind is a cool, smokey shade of blue with strong gray and green undertones, inspired by the winds that helped push trading vessels around the world centuries ago.
Hex #5FB3AC
RGB 95, 179, 172
CMYK 47, 0, 4, 30
Traffic is a dense, immovable shade of gray with notes of blue and yellow beneath the surface for a slightly cooler, calmer overall appearance.
Hex #6C6D68
RGB 108, 109, 104
CMYK 1, 0, 5, 57
Traffic Light
Traffic Light is close to the same bright red that most of us see every day—a bold shade with hints of orange and yellow for a more imperative finish.
Traffic Light
Hex #CD5D34
RGB 205, 93, 52
CMYK 0, 55, 75, 20
Trailblazer is an intense, charismatic shade of brown with some brighter red and orange undertones that hold the promise of adventure and exploration.
Hex #5F4C27
RGB 95, 76, 39
CMYK 0, 20, 59, 63
Trainspotter is a deep shade of bluish green with strong black and gray undertones that almost completely mute out any lighter highlights.
Hex #44493F
RGB 68, 73, 63
CMYK 7, 0, 14, 71
As the name suggests, Tranquil is a calm, soothing shade of very light blue that borders on white and holds only a hint of deeper, softer color.
RGB 230, 255, 255
CMYK 10, 0, 0, 0
Travertine is a naturally occurring limestone that can be found in mineral pools around the world. As a color, Travertine mimics the soft yellow-white appearance of this distinctive stone.
RGB 255, 253, 232
CMYK 0, 1, 9, 0
Travis is a brash, straightforward shade of brown with notes of green and orange beneath the surface for a brassier finished look.
Hex #B79E67
RGB 183, 158, 103
CMYK 0, 14, 44, 28
Treasure is a bold, dramatic shade of bluish gray that draws its inspiration from the seas sailed by pirates, privateers, and modern treasure-hunters alike.
Hex #758A9C
RGB 117, 138, 156
CMYK 25, 12, 0, 39
Tree Frog
Tree Frog is a bright, sunny shade of green with strong yellow and white undertones, inspired by the smooth skin of the common tree frog.
Tree Frog
Hex #50A743
RGB 80, 167, 67
CMYK 52, 0, 60, 35
Tree Poppy
Tree Poppy is a warm shade of orange that combines Poppy red with a more laid-back shade of medium-light brown for a muted, mellow orange color.
Tree Poppy
Hex #FC9C1D
RGB 252, 156, 29
CMYK 0, 38, 88, 1
Treehouse is a deep, dark shade of black with strong brown and orange undertones, inspired by the secret meetings and grand adventures planned in secret treetop retreats.
Hex #3B2820
RGB 59, 40, 32
CMYK 0, 32, 46, 77
Treetops is a medium-dark shade of gray with subtle green and brown undertones for a weathered, wind-blown finished look.
Hex #A6A28F
RGB 166, 162, 143
CMYK 0, 2, 14, 35
Trendy Green
Trendy Green may not be too trendy today, but it perfectly captures the brassy yellow-green shade that was all the rage in the fashion and designs of the 1970s.
Trendy Green
Hex #7C881A
RGB 124, 136, 26
CMYK 9, 0, 81, 47
Trendy Pink
Similarly, Trendy Pink is a vivacious shade of purple with strong pink and blue undertones that owes a lot of its distinctive appearance to the styles of the 70s!
Trendy Pink
Hex #8C6495
RGB 140, 100, 149
CMYK 6, 33, 0, 42
Triple Perfect Taupe
Triple Perfect Taupe is a mild shade of dark grayish brown with hints of warmer red and yellow undertones running beneath the surface.
Triple Perfect Taupe
Hex #867A6F
RGB 134, 122, 111
CMYK 0, 9, 17, 47
Triple Spanish White
Triple Spanish White takes the pale, creamy notes of a traditional Spanish White and amplifies them to create this deep tan shade with hints of yellow and brown throughout.
Triple Spanish White
Hex #D5C4A1
RGB 213, 196, 161
CMYK 0, 8, 24, 16
Triple White Pointer
Similarly, Triple White Pointer takes what would have been a pale off-white shade and increases the saturation to create this cool brownish gray with just a touch of orange.
Triple White Pointer
Hex #C8C3B5
RGB 200, 195, 181
CMYK 0, 3, 9, 22
Trinidad is a vivid, energetic shade of red with brighter orange and yellow notes that help to capture the excitement and optimism of the island that shares its name.
Hex #E64E03
RGB 230, 78, 3
CMYK 0, 66, 99, 10
Trolley Grey
Trolley Grey is a cool, smooth gray shade without any other colors or undertones to muddle its overall appearance.
Trolley Grey
Hex #808080
RGB 128, 128, 128
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 50
Tropical Blue
Tropical Blue is a warm, misty shade of blue with hints of floral lavender and pink that help to capture the relaxing, welcoming atmosphere that the name implies.
Tropical Blue
Hex #C3DDF9
RGB 195, 221, 249
CMYK 22, 11, 0, 2
Tropical Rain Forest
Tropical Rain Forest is a deep shade of green with notes of yellow and black that evoke some of the energy and excitement—as well as the danger—that the rain forest can provide.
Tropical Rain Forest
Hex #00755E
RGB 0, 117, 94
CMYK 100, 0, 20, 54
Tropical Violet
Tropical Violet may have started as a standard Violet shade, but the “tropical” part of its name comes from the much brighter red and pink overlays that give it a brighter look.
Tropical Violet
RGB 205, 164, 222
CMYK 8, 26, 0, 13
Troubadour is a deep, dramatic shade of bluish purple—a perfect color to capture the roving lifestyle of a traveling singer in medieval times.
Hex #56225A
RGB 86, 34, 90
CMYK 4, 62, 0, 65
Trout is a cool, silvery shade of bluish green that draws its inspiration from the scales of the fish that shares its name.
Hex #4A4E5A
RGB 74, 78, 90
CMYK 18, 13, 0, 65
True Blue
True Blue is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin—a bold, solid shade of blue with deeper violet undertones that do nothing to muddle the overwhelming blueness of the color itself.
True Blue
Hex #0073CF
RGB 0, 115, 207
CMYK 100, 44, 0, 19
True Ochre
True Ochre is a vivid shade of yellowish orange that draws its inspiration from the natural pigment used throughout history to make paints and dyes.
True Ochre
Hex #C8A115
RGB 200, 161, 21
CMYK 0, 20, 89, 22
True Red
True Red, like True Blue, is a pretty no-nonsense shade—a clear, bright red shade with some subtle yellow and orange notes beneath the surface.
True Red
Hex #C0003C
RGB 192, 0, 60
CMYK 0, 100, 69, 25
True V
True V is essentially a shade of “true” Violet—a mix of blue and purple with warmer red undertones for a sweetly floral finish.
True V
Hex #8A73D6
RGB 138, 115, 214
CMYK 36, 46, 0, 16
Tsunami is a stormy gray shade with hints of blue and green throughout that draws its inspiration from the powerful waves that wreak such destruction and havoc wherever they appear.
Hex #6B8393
RGB 107, 131, 147
CMYK 27, 11, 0, 42
Tuatara are New Zealand reptiles that heavily resemble lizards despite not actually being related to them! As a color, Tuatara is a deep black shade with gray and brown undertones that mimic some of the darker parts of these reptiles’ patterns.
Hex #363534
RGB 54, 53, 52
CMYK 0, 2, 4, 79
Tuft Bush
Tuft Bush is a soft, lightweight shade of pink with strong tan and cream undertones that give it a delicate, woodsy finish.
Tuft Bush
RGB 255, 221, 205
CMYK 0, 13, 20, 0
Obviously, tulip flowers can be found in a wide range of colors, but the color Tulip specifically refers to this soft shade of pink with subtle red and orange undertones.
Hex #FF878D
RGB 255, 135, 141
CMYK 0, 47, 45, 0
Tulip Orange
Tulip Orange is another example of the many colors tulips may display—in this case, a brilliant orange shade with notes of pink and red throughout, albeit far more subtly than in the previous example.
Tulip Orange
Hex #FF8833
RGB 255, 136, 51
CMYK 0, 47, 80, 0
Tulip Tree
Finally, Tulip Tree combines the bright yellows, oranges, and reds of Tulip and Tulip Orange with a deeper, more earthy brown undertone. The end result is a soft golden brown with hints of deeper red and orange.
Tulip Tree
Hex #EAB33B
RGB 234, 179, 59
CMYK 0, 24, 75, 8
Tumbleweed is a deep brown shade with hints of green and gray that give the color a dusty, weathered finish—a fitting shade for a color that shares its name with the dried-up plants found “tumbling” around the southwestern United States.
Hex #4B412A
RGB 75, 65, 42
CMYK 0, 13, 44, 71
Tuna is a deep, silvery-blue shade with gray and black undertones for a deeper metallic feeling, inspired by the dark colors and deeper habitats of the fish that shares its name.
Hex #353542
RGB 53, 53, 66
CMYK 20, 20, 0, 74
Tundora is a cool gray shade with hints of brown, violet, and orange that help to lend extra depth to the color without changing its overall gray hue.
Hex #4A4244
RGB 74, 66, 68
CMYK 0, 11, 8, 71
Turacin is a natural red pigment made of a copper and uroporphyrin blend and found only in the feathers of turaco birds. The color Turacin mimic this brilliant, rust-red pigment along with its brighter orange undertones.
Hex #E30433
RGB 227, 4, 51
CMYK 0, 98, 78, 11
Turacoverdin is another copper-based pigment found in the feathers of several bright green birds. As a color, Turacoverdin captures some of that same metallic green sheen with just a hint of yellow and brown.
Hex #666604
RGB 102, 102, 4
CMYK 0, 0, 96, 60
Turbo is a brilliant, fast-paced yellow shade that lives up to its name thanks to its energetic hue and dizzy red and orange undertones throughout.
Hex #FAE600
RGB 250, 230, 0
CMYK 0, 8, 100, 2
Turkey Blue
Turkey Blue takes its name—and its inspiration—from the country Turkey. Specifically, this vibrant shade of warm blue-violet is inspired by the roof and ceiling of Turkey’s famous Blue Mosque.
Turkey Blue
Hex #597BDC
RGB 89, 123, 220
CMYK 60, 44, 0, 14
Turkey Umber
Turkey Umber, on the other hand, is more inspired by the bird of the same name—a deep brown shade with gray and black undertones that provides a close match to most turkey feathers.
Turkey Umber
Hex #473D33
RGB 71, 61, 51
CMYK 0, 14, 28, 72
Technically part of the ginger family, Turmeric is a warm yellow-orange spice used for seasoning and coloring purposes, as the spice naturally creates a stain in this soft, golden yellow color with hints of orange and brown.
Hex #CABB48
RGB 202, 187, 72
CMYK 0, 7, 64, 21
Similar in shade to Tiffany Blue, Turquoise is a brilliant blue-green shade with just enough yellow to give the overall color a lightweight, dazzling finish.
Hex #40E0D0
RGB 64, 224, 208
CMYK 71, 0, 7, 12
Turquoise Blue
Turquoise Blue starts with a standard Turquoise base before increasing the blue and green saturation for a more vibrant cyan shade with hints of yellow.
Turquoise Blue
Hex #00FFEF
RGB 0, 255, 239
CMYK 100, 0, 6, 0
Turquoise Green
Turquoise Green dials up the green and yellow in order to create a mild green shade with brighter cyan and blue undertones throughout.
Turquoise Green
Hex #A0D6B4
RGB 160, 214, 180
CMYK 25, 0, 16, 16
Turquoise Surf
Turquoise Surf is a slightly deeper color due to the green-blue undertones that run beneath the surface and give a deeper overall finish to a standard Turquoise shade.
Turquoise Surf
Hex #00C5CD
RGB 0, 197, 205
CMYK 100, 4, 0, 20
Turtle Green
Turtle Green is a “slow and steady” shade of green with slight yellow and brown highlights that draws inspiration from the mellow green color of a classic turtle shell.
Turtle Green
Hex #8A9A5B
RGB 138, 154, 91
CMYK 10, 0, 41, 40
Tuscan is a soft yellow shade with subtle brown and cream-colored undertones, inspired by the yellow sun and iconic landscape of the Tuscan region in Italy.
Hex #FAD6A5
RGB 250, 214, 165
CMYK 0, 14, 34, 2
Tuscan Brown
Tuscan Brown is a deep brown shade with red undertones and hints of gray and black, inspired by Tuscany’s fertile soil and rich potential.
Tuscan Brown
Hex #6F4E37
RGB 111, 78, 55
CMYK 0, 30, 50, 56
Tuscan Red
Tuscan Red is a rich shade of purplish red with a strong brown undertone, inspired by the luxurious red wines that are produced in the Tuscan region and valued around the world.
Tuscan Red
Hex #7C4848
RGB 124, 72, 72
CMYK 0, 42, 42, 51
Tuscan Tan
Tuscan Tan is a warmer brown shade, inspired by the fields and rolling hills of the Val d’Orcia—the typical landscape found throughout Tuscany.
Tuscan Tan
Hex #A67B5B
RGB 166, 123, 91
CMYK 0, 26, 45, 35
Finally, Tuscany is a warm shade of dusty pink with strong brown undertones that combines all of the previous Tuscan shades in order to create an elegant pink-brown shade with plenty of weight and history.
Hex #C09999
RGB 192, 153, 153
CMYK 0, 20, 20, 25
Tusk is a pale off-white shade with a hint of yellow for a creamy ivory finish, inspired by the protruding front teeth found on elephants, pigs, and walruses, among other animals.
Hex #EEF3C3
RGB 238, 243, 195
CMYK 2, 0, 20, 5
Tussock grasses are a family of grasses that grow around the world in clumps and tufts. As a color, Tussock draws inspiration from the sun-worn golden brown appearance of these grasses, with only a hint of green beneath the surface.
Hex #C5994B
RGB 197, 153, 75
CMYK 0, 22, 62, 23
Tutti Frutti
Tutti Frutti is a warm shade of light green with strong yellow undertones and a bright white overall finish, inspired by the mix of fruits and juices that typically share its name.
Tutti Frutti
Hex #9FD385
RGB 159, 211, 133
CMYK 25, 0, 37, 17
Tutu is a very light purple shade with hints of brighter pink and red, inspired by the fluffy, frilly skirts worn by professional ballerinas and beginning ballet students alike.
Hex #FFF1F9
RGB 255, 241, 249
CMYK 0, 5, 2, 0
Twentyfourseven is a fast-paced, energetic shade of brilliant yellow with strong gold and orange undertones for a more dynamic, electric feeling. As a color, this shade draws its inspiration from the busy, round-the-clock pace of modern life.
Hex #FAD443
RGB 250, 212, 67
CMYK 0, 15, 73, 2
Twilight is a misty, hazy shade of pale purple with strong red and violet undertones, inspired by the lingering purple light that remains even after the sun has dipped below the horizon.
RGB 228, 207, 222
CMYK 0, 9, 3, 11
Twilight Blue
Twilight Blue is an extremely pale shade of blue that borders on white. With only the slightest hints of blue and violet to lend it color, Twilight Blue is inspired by the washed-out appearance of the blue sky just before sunset.
Twilight Blue
RGB 238, 253, 255
CMYK 7, 1, 0, 0
Twilight Lavender
Twilight Lavender is a much darker shade than the previous entry on this list—a warm shade of dark purple with deep violet and red undertones, inspired by the long shadows of the late afternoon and early evening.
Twilight Lavender
Hex #8A496B
RGB 138, 73, 107
CMYK 0, 47, 22, 46
Twine is a gentle shade of warm brown with strong gold and yellow undertones that create a softer, less intense variation on what would otherwise be a fairly straightforward shade of brown.
Hex #C2955D
RGB 194, 149, 93
CMYK 0, 23, 52, 24
Twister is a murky shade of medium brown with hints of green and red beneath the surface that draw their inspiration from the greenish-gray or green-brown appearance of the sky right before a tornado strikes.
Hex #938255
RGB 147, 130, 85
CMYK 0, 12, 42, 42
Twitter Blue
Anyone who’s spent any amount of time online will probably recognize this color—a soft, bright shade of medium-dark Sky Blue and the official color of Twitter’s logo and associated branding.
Twitter Blue
Hex #00ACED
RGB 0, 172, 237
CMYK 100, 27, 0, 7
Tyrian Purple
Finally, Tyrian Purple is a deep shade of dark purple with strong red undertones that draws its inspiration from the vivid purple dye created by the craftsmen and textile workers of the ancient city of Tyre.
Tyrian Purple
Hex #66023C
RGB 102, 2, 60
CMYK 0, 98, 41, 60
All Colors A-Z
Here’s our complete list of colors in alphabetical order:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z