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Is that gift card helping your congregation or paying a scammer?

Terri Miller
You get an email from someone in your place of worship asking you to buy gift cards for a worthy cause. It might look legit, but hold on. Some scammers pretend to be pastors, rabbis, imams, or bishops to steal worshippers’ money. Learn to spot gift card scams — or your money might end up in a scammer’s collection plate.
Identity Theft and Online Security
Consumer Alert

Three ways to protect the personal info on your phone

Alvaro Puig
Imagine carrying a written copy of all your conversations with you everywhere you went. Or copies of your account numbers, usernames, and passwords. Or all the photos and videos you’ve ever taken. I bet you’d do just about everything in your power to protect all that valuable information. Well, your mobile phone holds all that stuff — and maybe more. Are you doing everything in your power to keep it from ending up in the wrong hands? Here are three things you can do today to protect the personal information on your phone.

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