I had booked flights tickets through www.cleartrip.ae (Uae) web portal on 19th march. Due to covid pandemic, these tickets were not utilized due to the lockdown from 22nd march 2020. I sent an email for cancellation to spice jet airlines. On 9th june 2020 we received confirmation email from spice jet stating that the refund have been done in the trip id of your website a week ago (Email attached), but no refund has been done from cleartrip’s end. So i contacted cleartrip customer service and i was informed that the refund process will take 60 days or more to initiate. On cleartrip website, while booking the tickets, it was mentioned that cancellations will be refunded within 5 to 7 days. I was informed about the company policy due to which the refund waiting period is 60 days, but this not the first time i am using clear trip to book or cancel tickets. I am have been using clear trip for long time and this is the first time i am facing such an issue.
So i dropped an email to clearip customer service as “i want a clear explanation regarding why it will take 60 days or more for my refund to happen even though i have an confirmation email from spice jet clearly stating that my full refund has been processed for the tickets i have cancelled”.
Following are the tickets details for which we need cancelled and refund for. Also i am attaching a screen grab of the email received from spice jet regarding cancellation and refund process.
Trip id name pnr travel date flight flight no
[protected] ramdas madhavan zetyvd 22/03/2020 spice jet sg-18
[protected] gokhul gopi w8wpxv 22/03/2020 spice jet sg-18
[protected] prakasan kasukutty j8p8hc 28/03/2020 spice jet sg-54
[protected] anoop parameswaran u8u9qf 28/03/2020 spice jet sg-54
The below information are the tickets i had cancelled through clear trip website on 3rd june 2020. The refund for these cancelled tickets has also not been processed yet. I have already dropped an email to cleartrip customer service as i need a written confirmation about when will i receive the refunded amount and reason for such a delay, but i received no response from them till now.
Trip id name travel date airlines flight no
[protected] reshma gigeesh 28/03/2020 emirates ek-533
"soorya gigeesh 28/03/2020 emirates ek-533
[protected] abitha shibu 28/03/2020 emirates ek-533
" ameya karudthedath 28/03/2020 emirates ek-533
[protected] asok mohanan 22/03/2020 spice jet sg 18
Below tickets are to be cancelled and refunded with immediate effect for air india and air arabia airlines. Please note all tickets booked above and below where done without the knowledge of lockdown and where done for my employees to go back to their respective home states in india.
Trip id name travel date airline flight no
[protected] prakasan kasukutty 22/03/2020 air arabia g9-454
" anoop parameswaran 22/03/2020 air arabia g9-454
[protected] abeesh subrahmanian 23/03/2020 air india ix-434
[protected] abeesh subrahmanian 1/4/2020 air arabia g9-425 - g9-426
[protected] sathish kumar mani 22/03/2020 air india ix-434
[protected] dilip narayan 22/03/2020 air india ix-248
[protected] sajith mani 22/03/2020 air india ix-434
[protected] pranav parthasarath 22/03/2020 air india ix-540
[protected] rajesh medicherla 22/04/2020 air india ai-952
[protected] subin kumar vasidevan 30/03/2020 indigo (Tvr – dxb) 6e-39
[protected] mr. Sunilkumar thottiyil 26/04/2020 air india express ix-383
Gzgctb reshma gigeesh 07/03/2020 air india express ix-435
Gzgctb soorya gigeesh 07/03/2020 air india express ix-435
Please review and do the needful, as i have been waiting patiently till now for a response from cleartrip team.
Much appreciate your assistance regarding this matter.
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