Aerial view of an industrial facility with buildings, large storage tanks, and pipelines, situated near a waterfront.


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Inside view of corrugated metal pipe.
Fast & Inexpensive Joint Testing for Installed Large Diameter Pipe (48”-120”)

There are limited options for verifying a large to ultra-large diameter sewer pipe. You can do visual inspections, low-pressure air using isolation rigs & bladders or hydrostatic methods. These are either not effective or expensive and time consuming. A new method has been introduced to the industry via Contech Engineered Solutions’ (Contech) DuroMaxx® Steel Reinforced Polyethylene (SRPE) Pipe and the QuikJoint® Ultra High-Performance Technology.

Inside view of corrugated metal pipe.
Estimating the Cost of a Reline Project: What to Expect

We are often asked, “How much does a reline project cost?” While this is a straightforward question, the answer depends on multiple factors. Before attempting to provide a cost estimate, it’s important to consider the broader perspective—particularly in comparison to traditional open-cut replacement.

A Jellyfish Filter stormwater treatment device.
Buried but Not Forgotten: The Essentials of Cover for Stormwater Detention Systems

Being buried under dirt might be one of the most common fears people have. However, if you were a stormwater management device (or the human designing it) you might begin to worry about not having enough dirt over your system. How much is enough earth cover? Can I put too much? What backfill materials are suitable? Whether you are designing a hydrodynamic separator, a filter, or any of the diverse options of detention and retention systems; You need to know the answers to these questions, and we are here to help.

A Jellyfish Filter stormwater treatment device.
Blending Beauty and Efficiency: Aesthetic Options of High-Rate Bioretention Systems

Civil engineers understand the delicate balance between form and function. High-rate bioretention systems, known for their efficiency in managing stormwater, offer an often overlooked benefit: aesthetics. Integrating visually appealing bioretention systems into urban landscapes can enhance community engagement, foster sustainability, and improve the overall perception of civil infrastructure.