The following summary is provided solely for your convenience. Please read the applicable EULA and/or BULA for the full terms of your agreement with us.
We’ve updated our End User License Agreement (EULA) and created a new Business User License Agreement (BULA). We've created this page to help highlight the most noteworthy changes to our EULA and key provisions of our new BULA. Please also review the EULA and/or BULA in their entirety.
As of March 8, 2022, if you have already purchased a business product or service (Business Offering), your use of the Business Offering is subject to the BULA. The BULA replaces our pre-March 8 EULAs for all applicable versions of our business products and services. All purchases of Business Offerings after March 8, 2022, will be governed by the BULA.
Our current Business Offerings are enterprise editions of Corel® and Parallels®, multiple license purchases of enterprise editions of WinZip®, five or more license purchases of an enterprise edition of MindManager®, all CorelSure Maintenance purchases for any of the Corel products or WinZip products (except those listed under “Products not subject to the BULA” below), and MindManager Software Assurance and Support (MSA) for five or more licenses of any of the MindManager products excluding MindManager Essentials.
To inquire about Business Offerings, please contact us at [email protected].
Please note: If you haven’t purchased one of our Business Offerings, the new EULA will apply to you.
The BULA will NOT apply to the following software: Gravit™, Painter® Essentials™, Photo Mirage™, Photo Brush Bundle, WordPerfect® Home and Student, PDF Document Writer, DVD Copy Plus, DVD Movie Factory Pro, Motion Studio 3D, Pinnacle Studio™, DVD Xpack, DVD+AVCHD Xpack, Ultimate Xpack, Roxio® Easy CD & DVD Burning 2/Easy Video Copy & Convert/Roxio VHS to DVD Plus/Roxio LP to MP3, MindManager Essentials, WinZip Mac Edition, System Utilities Suite, Registry Optimizer, Driver Update, WinZip PDF Pro, ZipShare™, and any Parallels product that is not labelled as a business edition or as Parallels Desktop for Chrome.
As of March 8, 2022, unless listed below, all non-enterprise/business versions of our products are now governed by a unified EULA. This makes it easier for our end users to understand their rights and obligations regarding their use of our products.
Here are a few questions we anticipate you may have regarding these changes.
That means that this version is not available as a Business Offering. This doesn’t mean business users can’t use the product—it simply means that business users who buy a license for this product will be doing so under the restrictions and license metrics of the EULA.
If you have more than five licenses of any non-enterprise versions of the Corel, MindManager or Parallels software; and/or 100 licenses of any non-enterprise versions of WinZip, you may be eligible to upgrade to our enterprise software or to purchase maintenance services from us.
Upgrading to enterprise versions or obtaining CorelSure Maintenance and/or MindManager MSA provides software functionalities and features which are customized for business users such as software offline deployment, usage in virtualization environments, software support and maintenance, and named user rights.
If you want to become a business user, please contact us at [email protected]
The majority of MindManager specific terms from the pre-March 8th MindManager EULA remain unchanged. However, with the introduction of the new BULA, the new EULA excludes any provisions that only apply to business users. Provisions regarding named users, MSA, and deployments within virtualization environments, for example, now only appear in the BULA.
As a result, we now have a clear distinction between:
The new EULA contains terms specific to an academic end user’s use of academic versions of Corel graphics, digital media and productivity software. These terms provide clearer guidance as to who can use an academic version and what the license limitations are.
The new BULA contains terms specific to an academic institute’s use of academic versions of Corel and MindManager products. These terms provide clearer guidance as to which customers can qualify as academic institutes and what the site license limitations are.
The academic-specific terms under the EULA and BULA will replace the Corel Academic Site License terms for EMEA-based customers and the Corel Academic License Terms for customers who are based elsewhere.
Individual end users of business users (i.e., employees, consultants, agents, etc.) do not need to accept the EULA. Instead, when the product is first downloaded or installed, the end user responsible for accepting the BULA on behalf of the business user now agrees that all end users at the business will abide by the BULA.
NOTE: The only exception to this rule is Parallels RAS, which has its own license terms, and which will not be subject to the BULA. Because of these specific license terms, end users of a Parallels RAS business user must still accept the new EULA.
If you have a question that hasn’t been answered above, please reach out to your account manager or our support team using the contact information found on our websites.