Kamila Kozioł//Getty Images 1Persian Lily
DEA / D. DAGLI ORTI//Getty ImagesPersian lily, also known as fritillaria, grow from bulbs planted in the fall for spring blooms. They come in many colors, including green, and they're one type of bulb that's less likely to get eaten by rodents such as chipmunks.
Type of plant: Perennial
Related: How to Deal with Chipmunks in Your Garden
imageBROKER/Markus Keller//Getty ImagesAmmi are lovely, lacy flowers related to the native Queen Anne's lace. They grow easily from seed so they make a wonderful addition to a cutting garden, blooming in shades of white, pink or green. Although they're annual, they drop tons of seeds, so if you don't want them to reseed in your garden next year, remove the spent flowers before they dry and drop seeds.
Type of plant: Annual
Related: How to Design and Grow a Cutting Garden
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© Cyrielle Beaubois//Getty ImagesEucalyptus is grown as an annual, providing pretty silvery-green foliage that is beautiful in bouquets and dries well, lasting for years.
Type of plant: Perennial, often grown as an annual
Related: How to Grow Eucalyptus Plants
Photos by R A Kearton//Getty Images Advertisement - Continue Reading Below
Tushar Gupta//Getty ImagesZinnias come in a dizzying array of colors, including hot pink, red, orange, yellow, and, this lovely pale lime green.
They grow easily from seed and make excellent cutting flowers: The more you cut, they more they'll produce!
Type of plant: Annual
Related: The Best Annual Flowers for Your Garden
6Green Rose
Aida Fiteri//Getty Images Advertisement - Continue Reading Below
TonyBaggett//Getty ImagesDaylilies are super-hardy plants that grow in most soil types. Their flowers last just one day (thus, the name!), but they have multiple buds on every stem. This variety, 'Gentle Shepherd,' has a pale greenish caste.
Type of plant: Perennial
Related: 17 Types of Lilies to Grow in Your Garden
Studio Grand Web//Getty ImagesConeflowers come in every color of the rainbow from hot pink to bright yellow. But pale green varieties are also available, and they are sturdy. reliable plants for any type of garden.
Type of plant: Perennial
Related: How to Make a Butterfly Garden
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Cavan Images//Getty ImagesThese stunning flowers come in lovely pinks, purples, and whites, which often have a greenish central hue. They're truly elegant and look smashing in bouquets.
Type of plant: Perennial
Simon Brown//Getty ImagesDahlias are some of the best flowers to grow for late season color, bursting into bloom in late summer and well into fall until a frost. They come in every color imaginable, including pale green.
Type of plant: Perennial, often grown as an annual
Related: How to Care for Dahlias
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11Jack in the Pulpit
Cyndi Monaghan//Getty ImagesThis charming native spring wildflower grows in partly shaded woodlands. Plant them along wooded areas for their unique blooms, which deer tend to avoid.
Type of plant: Perennial
Related: 38 Deer-Resistant Plants Bambi Won't Go Near
12Sea Holly
Photos by R A Kearton//Getty ImagesThis long-lived flowering plant has the most interesting thistle-like blooms. You'll see it in shades of blue or purple but also pale green.
Type of plant: Perennial
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13Bells of Ireland
Vrabelpeter1//Getty ImagesMultiple cup-shaped blooms with a papery texture grow on a single stalk. They provide height to flower arrangements and work in both fresh or dried bouquets.
Type of plant: Annual
14Mediterranean Spurge
MovieAboutYou//Getty ImagesThis compact evergreen shrub is low-maintenance and to drought-tolerant. Its foliage is dark green, while the blooms are a bright neon hue.
Type of plant: Shrub
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automatix//Getty ImagesIf a flower could be the life of the party, the variety of dianthus ('Green Ball') shown here would be just that! The soft and fuzzy round, lime-colored balls are a fun addition to beds and containers alike.
Type of plant: Perennial
16Calla Lily
Trek13//Getty ImagesCalla lilies, with their elegant trumpet-shaped flowers, are available in an array of colors. Though white calla lilies, having starred in many a bridal bouquet, these pale green blooms are a stunning addition to gardens.
Type of plant: Perennial
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Images say more about me than words.//Getty ImagesA popular filler in arrangements, carnations are most impressive when a full bouquet of a single color is amassed in a vase. Light-green carnations are especially fitting for a spring celebration-- and less expensive than many other floral options.
Type of plant: Annual, biennial, and perennial types
Mariya Obidina//Getty ImagesThese stars of the autumn garden come in all the usual fall colors such as pumpkin orange, bright red, and yellow. But the lime green types are especially fun in beds and arrangements.
Type of plant: Perennial, often grown as an annual
Related: Are Mums Perennials? Here's What to Know
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DigiPub//Getty ImagesWith a shape reminiscent of ocean coral , a little green cockscomb goes a long way. These uniquely-shaped blooms bring boldness to a garden or flower arrangement.
Type of plant: Perennial, often grown as an annual
20Cymbidium Orchid
Sirintra Pumsopa//Getty ImagesCymbidium orchids last for weeks in bouquets. The tropical colors range from light to dark green and feature red, pink, white, or yellow centers. Cymbidium orchids have smaller flowers compared to other orchid varieties, but can produce up to 30 blooms per spike.
Type of plant: Perennial
Related: 25 Types of Orchids You Can Grow
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