I would love to hear from you if you have a Cozy Mystery site correction or know about a new book that is going to be published by one of the authors already on the Cozy Mystery site. I especially appreciate it when authors who are on my site let me know of errors, corrections, additions, or other news! I actually have a backlog of many authors on my list of authors to post on the Cozy Mystery site. So, if you send me a recommendation, thank you >>> but it will take me a while to get your recommended author posted. Since this is a Cozy Mystery site, please recommend only Cozy Mystery authors. I am currently receiving so many requests that from here forward I will not be able to respond to each submittal. I’m sorry. Please note that I do not accept ARCs or free books from authors or their publishers. (I don’t want to feel an obligation to endorse books or authors just because I received a free book/ARC.) I do not review books except for books I have personally chosen to read for pleasure. I do not review books by request. Thank you. To contact me at Cozy-Mystery.Com, please email me at [email protected]. |