
SecureSend is a feature available on your website that allows anyone to securely send a file to any Administrator or Firm user of your portal. The person sending the file does not have to have a Portal account to use SecureSend.

To use SecureSend, a user navigates to the SecureSend page on your firm’s website. Typically, SecureSend is accessible via a link under Resources.

SecureSend website page

SecureSend website page

The SecureSend page contains a video and text describing SecureSend and how to use it. There are also two buttons to access the SecureSend form and links allowing the user to log in to Portal (for registered users) and to register to use your firm’s Portal. Clicking on either Launch or Send Us a File opens the SecureSend form.

SecureSend form

SecureSend form

To securely send a file, the user fills out this form, then chooses a file and a member of your firm (using the dropdown list) to send it to. The user can also include an optional message. Clicking Send to Selected Firm Member uploads the file and notifies the selected firm member via email. That file is then available in the File Vault.

Note: The SecureSend feature is only available to firms whose websites are managed by CPA Site Solutions.

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