Villian Creator


Is there a set color scheme for villains?

How are color schemes for villains chosen?

When-someone-asks-me-How-do-you-manage-to-look-so-womanly-pre-everything13 Best Animated Movie Villains of the 2010s10 Most Evil Marvel Villains Who Have Not (Yet) Appeared In The MCU —  CultureSlateTypes of Villains — 10 Forms of the Villain Archetype Explained

As an introduction to our next assignment, please watch the video below. 


Here's what we'll be achieving with this assignment:

By the end of this unit, you will be able to:

Identify and define the following color theory terminology: hue, shade, tint, tone, value, primary, secondary, tertiary, analogous, complementary, monochromatic, triad.

Objectives for this assignment:

By the end of this lesson, you will have created defined color theory terminology, created a color scheme for your villain and organized a personality time in relation to your color choices. 




Every great villain needs a great color scheme.


Your task will be to create your villain by first selecting the color schemes and developing the details of their villainy based on those color choices. 

  • As you find each new color for our schemes, you will search through the resources to define each vocab term in your own words. 

Make a copy of this word document and fill it out as you go. 

Remember to document your hex codes!




For this assignment, find your definitions through the resources below:

Page 1:

Take a screenshot of the color and paste it in the boxes via Insert→Image→Upload From Computer.

  • Make sure to adjust the size and type in the Hex codes (will be added as a drawing).

After you have completed page 1, begin the steps for page 2-3 by choosing a color via this COLOR RANDOMIZER

When you enter the Hex code for your random color in this INTERACTIVE COLOR WHEEL, first drag another color tab to where you think it will fall for complementary, analogous, triad and monochromatic and take a screenshot. Take another screenshot after you put the option in the color wheel to see how close you were. 



Page 2:

Page 3:

For this page, you will first adjust your random color to each type of color. THEN you will make a color scheme of 4 colors, starting with each adjusted base color.


You will make your color choices→  HERE


Once you have completed page 3:

Read the first page from TVTropes about "good" and "evil" colors in media. 

Use the reference list underneath to find villains that have a similar color scheme to yours. 

Find 3 villains with a similar color scheme and collect the following information for EACH ONE (full sentences not required):

  • Personality type: i.e. driven, angry, manipulative, cunning, endearing, etc.
  • End goal: Why are they a villain? What are they trying to achieve?: i.e. money, fame, power, revenge, etc. 
  • How they show their villainy: i.e. robbing banks, attacking superheroes, overthrowing governments, etc. 
  • Clothing type: i.e. flowy, gown, suit, overalls and boots, etc.


Take what you read from TVTropes and consider the infographic below. Look at where the Disney villains fall with their color scheme in relation to the protagonists and their own personality traits.

If your color scheme is light, how will we display a villain with light colors, but is also evil?


You have now reached the point where you show your learning.

In a document, include:

  • Pages 1-3 completed
  • The personality type of your villain.
  • A villain with a similar color scheme and their personality type.

Please answer the questions below.

  1. What color theory terminology best reflects your color scheme overall?
  2. What color theory terminology do you believe helped you achieve your color scheme the most?

As we move on to the physical design of our villain, here are some things to consider:

The Colors of Emotion: Through Color Wheel - Morning Lazziness

We have learned that color affects how we perceive information, and that the color schemes of villains are purposeful to how they are as a character. 


How do we represent a villain with shape? 

In other words...

How will you draw out your villain in a way that represents their personality?

With this, I will lastly introduce shape language:

ArtStation - Character Design Learning materials for 7th grade students - Shape  Language🎃Terra @ Is This A PlBBY Glitch?🎃 on Twitter: "I've long been a user of "shape  language," but any artist wi tell you that character design is largely just  breaking things down