Oakwell House

We have 0 bed vacancies at the moment

  • Overview
  • Contact/Directions
  • Downloads

Oakwell House is a six-bed modern detached property located in Hayton, an agricultural parish two and a half miles from the market town of Retford.

Oakwell House supports females with mental health and dual diagnosis conditions such as Asperger’s and learning disability, which focuses on self-development and a pathway back into the community. Please see downloads tab for Case Study.

If you are interested in a referral to Oakwell House please contact us on [email protected] or see our Referrals and Admissions page for more details.

If you would like to work for us at Oakwell House then please contact [email protected] or ring our HR department for a chat on 01623 392555 or visit our current vacancies page.














Jennifer Hartridge (Registered Manager) 

Email: [email protected]

Oakwell House
6 Church Lane
DN22 9LD

Tel: 01777 809455

Google Map Link