Wyoming Antelope Hunting

Antelope Hunting


We are blessed to have several diverse Antelope herds on and around The Cross C Ranch. As you view both the pictures below and the added gallery you will notice that we can provide a wide arrange of hunting areas for your next Antelope Hunt with a wide selection of genetics and trophies. Add an Antelope to your itinerary and see one of the truly magnificent treasures of the American West! Enjoy the clean, lean, organic meat that grocers or butchers can rarely provide. You can expect to get 40 – 50+ pounds of boneless meat from a mature class Antelope buck. Our guides will assist or complete the quartering or boning of the carcass with the utmost care and attention to the important value of the meat and any additional extension of the animal. Every attempt will be made to bring the animal away from the field in whole, but when the terrain or situation arrives we commonly use the “gutless” method to obtain every possible ounce of the ever so valuable meat and harvest. (It is very rare that we are not able to bring in a full Antelope carcass from the field for preparation.)

We offer 4 Day Antelope only hunts for both Archery and Rifle based out of our Hunting Lodge as it is generally easy to move around and see a wide array of Antelope. Some walking is required for Antelope as we only pursue and take game on the Cross C Ranch with “Fair Chase” methods. Additional days can be arranged upon request, and all combo hunts are all priced for 5 Days.


Fishing is offered in our stocked ponds free of charge for all hunters & guests. It is stocked with rainbow and brown trout. We also use and give full access to our walk-in cooler to store your meat prior to transportation or processing.

A fishing license must be purchased.

License Application

Area 34, 38 & 103

The application period for Antelope is generally from the first few days in January till the end of the month of May. We do recommend that you apply for the drawing as the Wyoming Game and Fish continues to limit licenses in our unit. Results are generally available around Mid-June for Antelope and Deer in Wyoming. Antelope Hunting dates start on September 20th and go through October 31st. Our Antelope hunting is primarily spot and stalk as Antelope tend to move often. We hunt our herds of Antelope on the plains and rolling hills as well as around our cottonwood river bottoms.

Quick Things to Note

  • We Hunt in Areas 34, 38 & 103. Area 34 opens September 20th and closes October 14th. Area 38 & 103 both open October 5th and closes October 31st.
  • Application period is January 3rd to May 31st
  • All Antelope Hunts are 4 Day, 5 Night Hunts

2025 Wyoming Antelope Hunting Rates – Includes lodging at the Hunting Lodge, all meals, transportation, and guide. There are no hidden charges or trophy fees. Please review our Policies.

2025 Rates and Dates



Antelope Archery

August dates TBD - 4 Day Hunt $2500

Antelope Archery

Sept. dates TBD - 4 Day Hunt $2500

Antelope Rifle 34 - 4 Day

Sept. 20 - 23 $2500

Antelope Rifle 34 - 4 Day

Sept. 25 - 28 $2500

Antelope Rifle 34 - 4 Day

Oct. 1 - 4 $2500

Antelope Rifle 38 - 4 Day

Oct. 5 - 8 $2500

Antelope Rifle 38 - 4 Day

Oct. 10 - 13 $2500

Antelope Rifle 38 - 4 Day

Oct. dates TBD $2500

Antelope Rifle 103 - 4 Day

Oct. 5 - 8 $2500

Antelope Rifle 103 - 4 Day

Oct. 10 - 13 $2500

Antelope Rifle 103 - 4 Day

Oct. dates TBD $2500

Non-Hunting Guests

Call to discuss $125 / Day

*All hunt prices are subject to an itemized and separated Meal and Lodging Tax of 12% required by Wyoming State Law.

Area 34, 38 & 103 Antelope Fees


Area / Region

Application Fee


Conservation Stamp


Archery Permit


Non-Resident License

Area 34, 38 or 103 - Type 1 $341.00

Special Non-Res License

Area 34, 38 or 103 - Type 1 $629.00

Non-Res Doe License

Area 34, 38 or 103 - Type 6 $49.00

Non-Resident Big Game Wyoming hunting licenses for Elk, Mule Deer, Antelope, and Whitetail Deer are on a permit drawing basis. Results are commonly available for Antelope in Mid-June. Season dates and application dates are subject to change by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Please contact us for additional details on application dates, leftover permit availability, and results dates. To be eligible for the drawings, hunters must obtain applications for each species from the Wyoming Game & Fish. The Wyoming Game & Fish yearly Rules and Regulations are the sole and only reference and legally binding notice for all season dates, tag types and Regulations. All information is subject to the official regulations and as otherwise mentioned on this website are purely for our purposes of operating uder the law.:

Wyoming Game & Fish Department, License Section
5400 Bishop Blvd.
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: 307-777-4600

Or, click here (Wyoming Game & Fish Apply or Buy) to purchase online. Fishing licenses can be purchased over the counter.

Past Success Photos