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Member of the Month - Breton!

Quality reps = Breton reps! PC: Oscar Bravo

Breton has been a member of our community for quite some time now, and it feels like she’s been here since Day 1! She is a regular member in our 6 am classes these days (although I miss seeing her in the 6pm), she has shown great dedication, to getting up, and getting to class before she starts her busy day being a Mom and a Teacher. It can be hard to make that morning switch, but she has proved that by sticking with something, you can make a regular habit out of it. She is always showing up and trying her best, and hasn’t let things in the past stop her, like injuries, or even a Pandemic! She has done Competitions, both in the Gym and out, and I hope to cheer her on at one again soon, maybe a FVT reunion is to come?! Also she has many Open’s under her belt, and I’m excited to see her attack this next one. Read more below to get to know her!

What is your background in Fitness/sport?

I was mostly a dancer growing up. In high school I did track and field. Sprinting (100m & 200m) and jumping were my jam. In my university/adult years, I played softball and tried to keep fit by running, doing yoga, and biking to work. I was also a regular at the Y, where I had no idea what I was doing.

When did you start CrossFit/At Vic City?

I started CrossFit in June 2015, 4 months after I had my daughter. I wanted to get back in shape after being pregnant and I was immediately hooked. I can’t pinpoint one thing, but I loved pushing myself and learning all the new movements. When my original gym changed, I needed to find a new spot because I didn’t want to stop!

I joined CrossFit VicCity in 2016, because it 1. Was close to my house and 2. Had classes that fit my schedule. Coach Phil tested me to make sure I knew what I was doing and that was it!

I didn’t know then that my simple criteria for a gym would lead me to find amazing new friendships and such a great supportive community of people.

How many CrossFit Opens have you done?

I’ve probably done 5 or 6, I can’t remember exactly.

Favourite memories in the gym?

One memory that comes to mind is when we would have unofficial girls’ nights at the gym during all the crazy Covid restrictions. It was my only opportunity to socialize due to the restrictions in place at the time. A group of us would book up the last Open Gym of the night. We would head directly to our taped off blue rectangles, do a WOD and then hang out afterward (sitting extremely far apart on the floor and bundled up because it was freezing cold) and visit, sometimes for up to 2 hours! I was so thankful to have that face-to-face time with real people even if we were freezing cold and physically distanced!

What is your favourite movement?

Probably handstand push ups or toes to bar because they are the most fun.

Least favourite?

Overhead squats (Cam, please don’t start programming them now that I’ve said this!)

Favourite WOD or type?

I like anything that’s fast.

What do you enjoy the most about CrossFit?

Like I said before, I love pushing myself and learning new movements. CrossFit helps me feel fit, strong and healthy which I really value. I like that it’s super varied (no chance to get bored) and it’s always a challenge! I enjoy coming to class and not having to think about what to do because everything is planned out for me. I make endless decisions during the workday, so it’s nice to just be able to turn my brain off and push my body (though this sometimes means I need help doing the math to figure out my weights!). The community is so supportive which makes showing up to the gym a positive experience, every single time.

Most recent achievement that you are proud of?

Finally being able to do handstand push ups consistently without an Ab mat. I’m also super proud of myself for being able to drag my butt out of bed consistently at 5:40am to make it to the 6am class 3 days a week!

What goals are you working towards right now?

I’m not necessarily working towards it right now, but one day I will do a bar muscle up!

Breton is always coming into class with a smile on her face (I’m sure it’s still there at 6am haha), cheering on her fellow classmates, and has always been very welcoming to our newer members, and sharing her knowledge with them. She is a hard working Mom, that is strong and a great example to all, that your Health and Fitness is a huge priority and, not only for your physical well-being but your Mental well-being also. She emphasizes how important community is and the social part of CrossFit is what makes this community so great and why we keep showing up. It’s people like Breton that keep this gym what it is and why we love it.

Thank you Breton for your positive attitude and support throughout the years, and we can’t imagine this place without you. Also, I know you’ll get a Bar MU one day!

Be sure to give Breton a high five next time you see her 😀

Coach Tia


501, 771 Vernon Ave, Victoria, BC V8X 5A7, Canada

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