Not all natural slates are the same. Besides its beautiful appearance, Heavy 3 can last over a hundred years, making it a very cost-effective roofing material!

The best choice for Scottish roofs

Its extra thickness of 7-8 mm gives it the perfect strength to withstand Scottish weather while boosting the value of any property.

heavy 3 roofing slate

A poor quality roof needs constant repair and maintenance, but when good quality slate is used, not only the cost of re-roofing can be effectively discounted, but the repair and maintenance expenses during its lifetime are extremely low.

The use of Heavy 3 slates results in a low life cost.

If you have any questions, our experienced team on slate is at your disposal

Why choose Heavy 3 slate

Reasons to choose the perfect roofing slate:

A true Heavy

Produced at an extra thickness suited for inclement weather.

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No re-roofing

No Heavy 3 roof has ever been replaced or repaired.

Reputation confirmed

More than 125 years of production.

Peace of mind

100 years warranty on Heavy 3 slates.

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Complete this form and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.

The value of Heavy 3 lies in its properties

Heavy 3 is more cost effective than concrete or ceramic tiles, which typically last approximately 50 years.

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Impermeable to water

Its extra thickness gives it strength to combat dampness, high wind speeds and driving rains common throughout Scotland.
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Weather and UV resistant

Unchanged properties over time without the need for maintenance.
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Chemical resistant

Not affected by chemicals or pollutants (acid or alkali) exterior.
a house with heavy 3 slate roof
scottish slate roof

Other characteristics of slate, such as strength and impermeability, are also superior to those of concrete and ceramics.

Heavy 3 slate is quarried from the CUPA PIZARRAS No 3 quarry in San Pedro de Trones (León) in northern Spain. This quarry has been in operation since 1892 and produces around 25,000 tons each year!

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Not damaged

By fungi, moss, insects, animals or birds.
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While weighing substantially less than man-made roofing tiles.
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Natural slate is a material that does not ignite.

Would you like to see a sample? Please complete the form to receive your slate sample


For technical information; declarations of performance, certifications and installation, please visit our resource centre.

heavy 3 slate brochure

Heavy 3 Brochure

For further details about Heavy 3 slate, please download our product brochure.

Contact Form

You can contact us through this form. Our team of experts will answer all of your queries.

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