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the finest personalized cigars the best personalized cigar bands


You may have just found The Ultimate Personalized Cigar Gift for the cigar lover

This is the ultimate personalized cigar gift - order one today for yourself or for that special cigar enthusiast. The recipient will remember this gift fondly for years.

Take 20 of our fine premium or super premium cigars, band them with our private reserve true metallic personalized cigar band that is personalized with your name and then package it in an amazing laser etched and gold foil labeled wood finished humidor. Include a gold metallic cigar cutter and chrome finished  cigar ashtray and you now have an incredible gift for the cigar enthusiast.

Custom True Metallic Cigar Band
Gold Foil Custom Box Label
Laser Engraved Box
Gold Finished Cigar Cutter
Silver Finished Cigar Ashtray

Ordering Information:

$25.00 - Setup & Design Fee
$16900 - Box of 20 Premium Churchill 
$209.00 - Box of 20 Honduran Classic Churchill
$229.00 - Box of 20 Nicaraguan Habano Imperial

You can order this product without the laser engraved etching - take $30.00 off of the above pricing.

To Order...
Please Call 877-726-5886
Or send a quick email to us at
[email protected]
and we will call you

The above pricing is for the Personalized Private Reserve Custom cigar gift package as seen. We can laser engrave, use the gold foil and gold metallic paper for other designs, however there are limitations and added costs involved. If you would like to see if another design/project is something we can do with laser engraving, the gold foil label and gold metallic paper... please call.

Credit Cards Accepted For Your Personalized Cigar Order

Fletcher Cigar Company does not sell tobacco or tobacco related products to anyone under the age of 21, nor do we sell cigarettes. Because of current state laws, we are unable to ship tobacco products to Maine & Montana. United States customers in states other than Florida and Ohio are responsible for paying any applicable taxes levied by your state. International customers are responsible for any import taxes levied by their country.


personalized cigars by FCC