CHINO >> Police and San Bernardino County probation officers arrested four people during a citywide probation compliance sweep on Tuesday, authorities said.
Twenty-five officers from the Chino Police Department and the Probation Department went to 50 homes during the seven-hour sweep, which occurred from 3 to 10 p.m. Tuesday, and attempted to serve 10 arrest warrants for probationers out of compliance under the state’s new prison realignment law.
Those arrested during the sweep were identified as Joseph Rosales, 50, and Matthew Natoli, 36, on suspicion of possession of methamphetamine for sale; Brian Padilla, 45, on suspicion of probation violation, and Jeffrey Shaffer, 36, on suspicion of burglary, according to a police news release.
All four men were booked into West Valley Detention Center in Rancho Cucamonga.
Rosales and Natoli were each being held without bail. Rosales is scheduled to appear today in West Valley Superior Court Thursday in Rancho Cucamonga for arraignment, and Natoli is scheduled for arraignment Friday in West Valley Superior Court, according to sheriff’s online booking records.
Shaffer was also being held without bail, with a scheduled arraignment date Thursday. No court dates were immediately scheduled for Padilla, online booking records show.
Tuesday’s operation targeted 60 probationers and prison realignment offenders on supervised release due to the Public Safety Realignment Act of 2011, which shifted oversight of parolees from the state to county probation departments and established new criteria qualifying offenders for state prison versus county jail.