NewsgalleryNeymar plays football with children who have disabilitiesBookmarkShareNewsByKerry Mullen12:22, 8 JUL 2015Updated13:16, 8 JUL 2015Neymar (2nd-R) poses with children (Image: Getty Images)1 of 14Neymar holds his son Davi Lucca (Image: Getty Images)2 of 14Neymar waves during the event (Image: Getty Images)3 of 14Brazilian Barcelona player Neymar poses with his son (Image: Getty Images)4 of 14Children with different capabilities and professional athletes participate in the project "Bota do Mundo" (Image: Getty Images)5 of 14Disabled child Rikellmy reacts with former soccer player Nene after they scored a goal (Image: Reuters)6 of 14Disabled child Gabriel and former Brazilian national soccer player Gontijo take a break (Image: Reuters)7 of 14Barcelona and Brazilian national soccer player Neymar holds his son Davi Lucca8 of 14Disabled child Vinicius kicks the ball with Brazilian soccer player Junior Dutra (Image: Reuters)9 of 14A disabled child and Brazilian soccer player Nene kick the ball (Image: Reuters)10 of 14Disabled child Lomis with Brazilian soccer player Leo (Image: Reuters)11 of 14Disabled children prepare to attend a "World Boots" soccer event (Image: Reuters)12 of 14Children and Brazilian soccer players attend a "World Boots" event for children with disabilities (Image: Reuters)13 of 14Davi Lucca, son of Barcelona and Brazilian national soccer player Neymar, reacts as his father talks to media (Image: Reuters)14 of 14