The Star Trek: Lower Decks crew has arrived in Star Trek Online as duty officers

The Star Trek: Lower Decks crew as duty officers in Star Trek Online
The crew of Star Trek: Lower Decks is due to hit CBS All Access tomorrow! But if you absolutely can’t wait, then now would be a great time to log into Star Trek Online, where you can get your very own Lower Decks crew.
On Monday, Star Trek Online announced that it would be adding Ensigns Mariner, Boimler, Tendi and Rutherford to the game as of yesterday, as duty officers. If you’re not familiar with the duty officer system in Star Trek Online, that means they become part of your crew, just...not the main part. You can use duty officers to complete background tasks while you’re on the big missions, tasks like “analyze unknown alloy”, “attend the gratitude festival on Bajor”, or “align Heisenberg compensator”. Special duty officers like the “lower deckers”, when you add them to your active duty roster, can also get you buffs for your main crew during combat.
In a blog post, Star Trek Online explained the addition of the TNG-era crew into the post-Nemesis era game by saying, “The crew of the U.S.S. Cerritos, um, specifically her support crew, have been thrown forward in time. Or turned into holograms. Or possibly Excalbian constructs. Anyway, they’re in 2411 now, and they’ve been given the very, very, very important assignment of helping out on your ship. Use them how you like! Just, uh, maybe leave the bat’leth and Romulan Whiskey storage locked.”
The characters of #StarTrekLowerDecks on @startrekcbs are coming to your Duty Officer Roster! Starting tomorrow, Captains on all platforms can grab four special Duty Officers for free!
— Star Trek Online (@trekonlinegame) August 3, 2020
The four ensigns all come with unique, active powers, and are available for free to all players on all platforms. You can pick them up from the Duty Officers tab of the Zen store, and make sure you do! If nothing else than to read the description for Ensign Mariner’s special ability “Blast Shield”, and see video game versions of the real-life versions of the cartoon versions of the characters.
Star Trek Online is free to play and available for PC, Xbox One and Playstation 4. To find out more, including how to download, visit