Last semester, I watched a girl get hit by a car while crossing the street. She was fine, immediately got up and walked away, but it was a shocking event to witness, and it made me rethink how our streets are designed. Obviously, we need roads. Cars and buses need somewhere to drive and people have places to be that aren’t walkable locations. But why don’t we have places where people can walk or bike to get where they need to go and not think twice about getting struck by a moving vehicle?
Pedestrian cities are cities that, you guessed it, are based around pedestrians. These cities, which emphasize walking or biking and utilize car-free zones to create a vibrant public life, have countless benefits. They’re the cities of the future.
The Town of Carrboro is experimenting with this, workshopping plans for a pedestrian plaza on East Weaver Street. If the new plans are approved, East Weaver Street, currently a two-way road that houses Carrboro’s downtown, would be transformed into a pedestrian and bicycle-only block. The plans for the new pedestrian-priority space include public art installations, green stormwater infrastructure, an outdoor dining area and active transportation routes.
This new space could exemplify how we think about designing our towns and cities in a way that is directly beneficial to residents.
When towns are built around the people who live there, community is built in tandem. With public spaces to walk, play, sit, eat or chat, people can foster their current ties and form new bonds, hence creating a close-knit, inviting environment. Places for this, like third spaces, were shuttered en masse during the COVID-19 pandemic, but they play a vital role in constructing community. A pedestrian plaza would mean progress toward rebuilding third places, and with it, strong bonds with your neighbors.
An important part about walkable communities is that they get people outside, which has inherent benefits like improving mental health and regulating sleep. Outside transportation options, such as walking or biking foster a more active lifestyle, enhancing physical health. Additionally, as more people walk or bike as their mode of transportation, fewer cars have to run, meaning lower greenhouse gas emissions and reduced noise pollution, a huge plus for the environment.
Walkable communities also create space for economic growth. Pedestrian communities have been shown to boost property values, support local businesses, promote tourism and reduce commuting costs.
The possible new pedestrian plaza in Carrboro could result in all of this. The outdoor eating area and public art could draw in residents. Green stormwater infrastructure helps reduce pollutants in waterways. The bike lane and open walkways would decrease car use, alleviate traffic and promote physical activity. The public pedestrian area could bring more business to Weaver Street Market.
The shift to walkable cities isn’t reasonable or accessible for everyone, including people with disabilities, elders or car-based business owners — and that’s why Carrboro isn’t turning all of its roads into pedestrian plazas at once. However, small implementations of pedestrian-priority spaces over time allow people to adjust and adapt, hopefully leading to incredible perks for everyone.