The painting below is from Damian’s 2024 exhibition at Unit London, 3 Hanover Square, London W1
MATISSE’S STUDIO, LA REGINA, NICE,” 2024, acrylic on canvas, 172.7 cm x 173.5 cm/ 68 x 68.25 inches
“Don’t wait for inspiration. It comes while one is working.”
“When I started to paint I felt transported into a kind of paradise.”
“If I close my eyes, I see things better than with my eyes open.”
As a graduation gift Damian’s college professor gave him Matisse’s palette knife (which Matisse had given to Alice B. Toklas). Since then Damian has visited snd painted almost all of Matisse’s studios in Paris and the South of France.
“Color was not given to us in order that we imitate Nature. It was given to us so that we can express our emotions.”
“We ought to view ourselves with the same curiosity and openness with which we study a tree, the sky or a thought, because we too are linked to the entire universe.”
“All my efforts go into creating an art that can be understood by everyone.”
“There are always flowers for those who want to see them.”