CLT Sponsored Test Inquiry
We are pleased to partner with the Classic Learning Test (CLT) to host a sponsored test on November 10, 2022, and will offer the test free of charge for all traditional UG admissions applicants.
The Classic Learning Test (CLT) may be newer to the college entrance exam world, but it has quickly become more and more accepted as an entrance exam for college and university admissions offices along with the standard SAT and ACT exams. As a premier partner, DBU began recognizing the CLT as an acceptable entrance exam for admissions in 2019 and has continued to strengthen the partnership ever since in new and innovative ways. Dr. Adam C. Wright, DBU President, is a member of the CLT board, and DBU serves as an annual sponsor for the exam.
The CLT takes approximately two hours to complete and assesses verbal and quantitative reasoning and grammar/writing. Scores are received within 10 business days and are instantly shareable with any number of colleges and universities at no cost.
Students who take the CLT10 are also eligible for academic scholarships at partnering colleges, including DBU.
Students interested in taking the CLT for free as part of the upcoming test date sponsored by Dallas Baptist University, please fill out the form below. If you have any questions, please contact DBU’s Office of Admissions at or by calling (214) 333-5360.