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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access November 18, 2020

A novel homomorphic RASD framework for secured data access and storage in cloud computing

  • Rachna Jain and Anand Nayyar EMAIL logo
From the journal Open Computer Science


In the distributed computing worldview, the client and association’s information is put away remotely on the cloud server. Clients and associations can get to applications, administrations, and foundation on-request from a cloud server through the internet, withstanding the various advantages, numerous difficulties, and issues that endure verifying cloud information access and capacity. These difficulties have featured additional security and protection issues as cloud specialist co-ops are exclusively in charge of the capacity and handling of the association’s information out of its physical limits. Hence, a robust security plan is required in order to ensure the association’s touchy information emerges to keep the information shielded and distant from programmers. Over the globe, specialists have proposed fluctuated security structures having an alternate arrangement of security standards with changing computational expense. Down to earth usage of these structures with low calculation cost remains an extreme test to tackle, as security standards have not been characterized.

Methodology – To verify the cloud and deal with all security standards, we propose a REGISTRATION AUTHENTICATION STORAGE DATA ACCESS (RASD) structure for giving security to authoritative information put away on cloud catalogs utilizing a novel security plot, for example, HEETPS. A RASD system involves a stage by stage process-Enlistment of clients, Authentication of the client secret key, and Capacity of information just as information access on cloud registry. When the system is connected to cloud servers, all the delicate information put away on the cloud will end up being accessible just to verified clients. The essential favourable position of the proposed RASD structure is its simple usage, high security, and overall less computational expense.

Moreover, we propose a homomorphic-private-practical uniformity testing-based plan structured under a schematic calculation Che Aet DPs. This calculation executes homomorphic encryption with subtractive fairness testing, notwithstanding low computational intricacy. To test the security ability, we tried the proposed RASD system with other existing conventions like Privacy-protecting examining convention, group reviewing convention, verified system coding convention, and encoded information preparing with homomorphic re-encryption convention. Findings – Experimentation-based outcomes demonstrated that the RASD structure not only gives a high-security layer for delicate information but also enables a decrease in computational expense and performs better when compared with existing conventions for distributed computing.


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Received: 2019-09-24
Accepted: 2020-01-29
Published Online: 2020-11-18

© 2020 Rachna Jain et al., published by De Gruyter

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