Python math.pow() Method

  1. Syntax of Python math.pow() Method
  2. Example 1: Use the math.pow() Method in Python
  3. Example 2: Shorter Syntax of the math.pow() Method
  4. Example 3: Calculate the Square and Square Root of a Number Using the math.pow() Method
  5. Example 4: Errors When Using the math.pow() Method
Python math.pow() Method

Python math.pow() method is an efficient way of calculating the value of the number x raised to the power of another number, y.

Syntax of Python math.pow() Method

 pythonCopymath.pow(x, y)


Parameters Description
x Any positive or negative number representing the base.
y Any positive or negative number representing the power.


This method returns a float/integer value depending on the input parameters. It returns x^y.

Example 1: Use the math.pow() Method in Python

 pythonCopyimport math

x = 2

y = 4

value = math.pow(x, y)

print(f"{x} raised to the power {y} is {value}.")

x = 6

y = -3

value = math.pow(x, y)

print(f"{x} raised to the power {y} is {value}.")

x = math.inf

y = 4

value = math.pow(x, y)

print(f"{x} raised to the power {y} is {value}.")

x = 1

y = math.inf

value = math.pow(x, y)

print(f"{x} raised to the power {y} is {value}.")


 textCopy2 raised to the power 4 is 16.0.
6 raised to the power -3 is 0.004629629629629629.
inf raised to the power 4 is inf.
1 raised to the power inf is 1.0.

Note that the arguments can be in integers or floats. The values may be either positive or negative.

Example 2: Shorter Syntax of the math.pow() Method

 pythonCopyimport math

print("2 raised to the power 5 is ", math.pow(2, 5))


 textCopy2 raised to the power 5 is  32.0

These methods are used in mathematical computations related to geometry and have a certain application in astronomical computations.

Example 3: Calculate the Square and Square Root of a Number Using the math.pow() Method

 pythonCopyimport math

x = 4

y = 2

z = 1 / 2

value = math.pow(x, y)

print(f"The square of {x} is {value}.")

value = math.pow(x, z)

print(f"The square root of {x} is {value}.")


 textCopyThe square of 4 is 16.0.
The square root of 4 is 2.0.

Adjusting the value of the second parameter of the math.pow() method can help us to calculate the roots and powers of any number x.

Example 4: Errors When Using the math.pow() Method

 pythonCopyimport math

x = -2  # x is negative

y = 1.5  # y is not an integer

value = math.pow(x, y)

print(f"The square of {x} is {value}.")

x = 4

y = 1 + 4j  # complex number

value = math.pow(x, y)

print(f"The square of {x} is {value}.")

x = -2

y = "hello"  # string

value = math.pow(x, y)

print(f"The square of {x} is {value}.")


 textCopyTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 7, in <module>
    value=math.pow(x, y)
ValueError: math domain error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 15, in <module>
    value=math.pow(x, y)
TypeError: can't convert complex to float
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 24, in <module>
    value=math.pow(x, y)
TypeError: must be real number, not str

Note that if both the parameters of math.pow() are finite numbers and x is negative but y is not an integer, then a ValueError exception is thrown.

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Musfirah Waseem avatar Musfirah Waseem avatar

Musfirah is a student of computer science from the best university in Pakistan. She has a knack for programming and everything related. She is a tech geek who loves to help people as much as possible.


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