All pre-arranged and pre-scheduled articles must be received 90 to 120 days prior to their scheduled issue dates. (Note: All advance-planned editorial slots are subject to changes by the publishers!)
In the last stage of our 3-stage editorial review process, our editor-in-chief (EIC), Dr. Paul Feuerstein, will review article text and photos, as sent to him by the editorial department. The editorial department will then contact authors regarding the status of their articles and, if accepted, to confirm tentative publishing dates. Dr. Feuerstein can be reached at [email protected] or (978) 501-3310.
To discuss implant case study topics, or if you have any questions about submitting an implant- related article, please contact Dr. Timothy Kosinski, our implant section editor, via email at [email protected].
Authors interested in submitting articles to the Dentistry Today peer-reviewed Continuing Education Program should email either Steve, Joanne, or Andrew to request a copy of the Continuing Education Manuscript Guidelines.
During the production process of each Dentistry Today issue, authors will be requested to review their article proofs before publication. Authors will then be asked to contact our editorial department to finalize their articles.
Dentistry Today is pleased to review and consider original and unpublished manuscripts (or brief proposals for an original article) on clinical topics of interest to practicing dentists.
Manuscripts must not be under consideration or previously published elsewhere; this includes both the print and Web publishing medias.
All final article materials (MS Word text files and digital photo files) will be submitted
directly by the author(the lead author, if multiple authors) to:
Steve Curry, associate editor: [email protected] (973-882-4700)
Joanne Van Zuidam, associate editor: [email protected] (973-882-4700)
On all submission correspondence, please copy:
Andrew Goodman, managing editor: [email protected] (973-882-4700).
Or, mail a CD or flash drive to ATTN: Steve Curry, Joanne Van Zuidam, and Andrew Goodman, c/o Dentistry Today, 100 Passaic Ave, 2nd Floor, Fairfield, NJ, 07004.
(IMPORTANT! We will not accept article and photo submissions from a third party. All files submitted must be sent in via email directly by the author(s). Authors are welcome to collaborate, as they deem appropriate, with manufacturers related to products represented in case report articles at any time before the official article submission is made to the editorial team for review and consideration.)
CLINICAL CASE REPORT: Clinical articles should be approximately 1,800 to 2,300 words in length. Our total word count includes the body of article, any figure legends and a short bio. For clinical case report format articles, if the subject matter cannot be handled in the above word length parameter, please contact our EIC in advance to discuss. Each article should be freestanding. (Discuss multi-part articles, in advance, with our EIC, Dr. Adams.)
VIEWPOINT: A viewpoint article would be an opinion piece that is 1,500 words in length (max) with no references (a few are sometimes allowed in certain topic arenas) and no images.
FOCUS ON: The Focus On article is written in a Q&A format (of your choice, to be approved by Dr. Adams), without references, with a word count maximum of 950 words, including the author’s brief bio.
Text should be divided into sections that help organize the subject matter, such as INTRODUCTION/ subtitles; CASE REPORT/subtitles; DISCUSSION (optional); and a short CLOSING COMMENTS, IN SUMMARY, or CONCLUSION.
CASE REPORT FORMAT is the required format. Exceptions to this format must be pre-approved by our editor-in-chief. A case report is usually begun with an Introduction by first setting up the background on the case and the material(s)/technique(s) being considered (a history of the class of materials or techniques being used). The actual clinical Case Report then describes how the patient presented (pre-op photos), the diagnosis and treatment plan, the clinical protocol that includes the procedures and all the materials used in treating the patient (Note: It is strongly advised to avoid being single-product focused, or overtly commercial in tone, to protect the credibility of the author, manufacturer, and the publication with our readers!), procedural photos, and post-op photos, followed by a short Discussion (optional) and a closing statement to complete the article (Closing Comments, In Summary, or Conclusion [depending upon the content of this short article wrap- up]).
Please keep all information in prose; numbered or bulleted lists are not preferred.
Any clinical article topics that may not be appropriate for a case report format must be pre- approved, in advance, by our editor-in-chief.)
If you would like to review a few examples of case report articles before starting to write an article, please contact Steve, Joanne, or Andrew via email or phone (973-882-4700 EST/EDST).
When creating a title for your article, please adhere to the following character requirements, as the text will eventually be placed from MS Word into the page layout program. The following refers to the space allotted within the typical layout of a clinical article. Please be aware that this may change for Viewpoint articles.
Main Title: The minimum number of characters is 30 and the maximum number is 56. (“Characters” is defined as any keyboard stroke, including spaces.) The character count for a Viewpoint article title is 60.
Subhead Title: The maximum number of characters is 70.
References should be limited to 10 or fewer citations whenever possible, although additional citations are acceptable if needed to support the article. They must be cited consecutively in the text and listed in the same order at the end of the article. Please use the appropriate format, which can be found in the American Medical Association Manual of Style, 10th Edition, or refer to a recent issue of Dentistry Today. For all authors submitting implant articles, there is a minimum of about 10 references and max of about 20 references for every article. For any implant article questions, please contact our Implant Editor, Timothy Kosinski, DDS, at [email protected].
Our editors, in their thorough review of articles, sometimes find the use of certain passages word-for- word from other sources. Even though selected use of verbatim passages with proper referencing of the source may not constitute copyright violation, it is suggested that you avoid using verbatim passages from other sources for your own protection. Re-wording any such passages, along with proper referencing, will help you avoid potential copyright problems. Thanks in advance for any contributions to Dentistry Today, and we hope this suggestion will be helpful to you.
Products used in the case should be included in the text and attributed to the manufacturer. The manufacturer should be noted in parentheses after the product name; for example, (IPS e.max [Ivoclar Vivadent]). Whenever possible, when a product that was not specifically used in the completion of the patient’s work is listed, more than one example of a product can be included for added neutrality/credibility.
All authors MUST disclose that the author either has or doesn’t have any financial interest in the products or companies mentioned in his or her article. “Any financial interest” includes a salaried position in the company, including a paid or non-paid consultant position, or funding from the manufacturer for research studies, writing articles, lecturing, etc. This statement will be included at the end of the text. The following are examples of disclosures to accompany every article:
Dr. John Doe has no financial interest in any of the companies mentioned in this article.
Dr. Jill Doe has no financial interest in any of the companies mentioned in this article and received no compensation for writing this article.
Dr. John Doe is a non-paid consultant for Dental Smiles Inc. and received no compensation for writing this article.
Dr. Jill Doe has no financial interest in any of the companies mentioned in this article, but did receive compensation from Dental Smiles Inc. for writing this article.
Dr. John Doe is CEO of Dental Smiles Inc. and receives compensation for writing this article.
Dr. Jill Doe is a paid consultant for Dental Smiles Inc. and receives compensation for lectures and articles.
Submissions must include a brief biographical sketch (approximately 75-100 (max) words) and a color photo for each author, submitted as a jpeg file at 300 dpi and 4” x 5” in size or larger. (If any author is to be on the magazine cover, we will need a jpeg image with a resolution of 300 dpi and a size of 9” x 11” or larger.)
Articles may contain clinical photographs (digital preferred, slides accepted) or professionally prepared illustrations (ie, tables, graphs). The preferred number of images is between 8 and 12 with a maximum of 15 individual images allowed.
All digital images need to be high resolution: at 300 dpi, and 3” x 4” in size. Please send original, individual digital files as JPEG or TIFF files. We will not accept any images that are embedded in Microsoft Word documents.
Digital images must be scanned at 300 dpi (dots per inch) or greater and images should be 2 inches in width by 3 inches in height or greater for best print quality. Also, clearly label each individual digital file/slide/illustration to correspond with a legend for each image (ie, Figure 1 or Figure 1a, Figure 1b, etc.) with a maximum of 20 individual images labeled and a maximum of 20 legends. All figures must be cited in their proper location throughout the text and listed separately with corresponding legends at the end of the article. For any technical questions about images, please call Janice Yawdoszyn at 973-882-4700 (EST/EDST).
To request the requirements for video submissions, please contact: our editor of digital content, Joseph Finnegan, at [email protected].