Wattrel and Kilowattrel are flying/electric-type Pokemon in the Paldea region – and here, we’ll show you exactly how to get them in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
The Pokedex is full of new flying-type Pokemon, but the difference with Wattrel and Kilowattrel (as their name suggests) is that they also have electric-type abilities, too.
Each of these likes to fly along the coastline across Paldea, but they won’t necessarily spawn near each other – depending on where you’re hunting.
Let’s look at the spawn locations for Wattrel and Kilowattrel and at what level it evolves in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Wattrel spawn locations in Pokemon Scarlet Violet
Wattrel flies over the sea during the day and spawns in the following locations in the Paldea region:
- Porto Marinada
- Asado Desert (near water)
- West Paldean Sea (coastline)
- South Paldean Sea (coastline)
- South Province (Area Six)
- South Province (Area Four)
- South Province (Area One)
- South Province (Area Five)
- East Paldean Sea (coastline)
- East Province (Area Three)
- East Province (Area Two)

Kilowattrel spawn locations in Pokemon Scarlet Violet
Kilowattrel can be found “by the sea” in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, so do check out the following coastal locations:
- East Paldean Sea (coastline)
- West Paldean Sea (coastline)
- South Paldean Sea (coastline)
- South Province (Area Six)
- South Province (Area One)
- West Province (Area One)
- North Paldean Sea (coastline)
- North Province (Area Three)
- Lake Casseroya (near water)

How to evolve Wattrel into Kilowattrel

If you want to evolve your Pokemon into Kilowattrel, you’ll need to reach level 25 with your Wattrel.
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