Student Questionnaire Template
This template may be used and adapted for student questionnaires. The following
headings represent the recommended areas to be covered by the core elements of
the questionnaire, with suggested questions (although individual questions may vary
depending on the type of teaching employed).
Feedback on your learning experience on the course/module/programme [delete as
appropriate] is extremely valuable and will help us to make improvements in future
years. We would be most grateful if you could answer the following questions. There
is also an opportunity to provide comments at the end of the questionnaire.
a. Attendance
What percentage of the total course do you estimate that you attended (please indicate)?
Please mark chosen answer with an “X”
agree nor
1. The course aims were made clear at the start.
2. The course aims were met.
3. Teaching sessions were well-prepared and
presented in a logical order.
4. The starting standard was at the right level for me.
d. Supplementary Material (where issued)
5. The hand-outs/reading lists were useful.
6. The lecturer was audible and the subject matter
clearly explained.
7. The pace of teaching was at the right speed.
8. Slides/overheads and other teaching aids were
adequate and well-prepared.
9. Online materials and activities were clearly
structured and presented and integrated well into the
course (including Moodle).