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World Bank’s B-Ready Project NEW!
Business Ready (B-READY) is the World Bank’s new flagship report benchmarking the business environment and investment climate in most economies worldwide. The report assesses the regulatory framework and public services directed at firms, and the efficiency with which regulatory framework and public services are combined in practice. With data that are comparable across economies and over time, B-READY provides actionable evidence to promote reforms for a stronger private sector.
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The Importer -Exporter Code (IEC) is a key business identification number which is mandatory for Exports or Imports. No person shall make any import or export except under an IEC Number granted by the DGFT. In case of import or export of services or technology, the IEC shall be required only when the service or technology provider is taking benefits under the Foreign Trade Policy or is dealing with specified services or technologies
The nature of the firm obtaining an IEC may be any of the follows- "Proprietorship, Partnership, LLP, Limited Company, Trust, HUF and Society." Consequent upon introduction of GST, IEC number is the same as the PAN of the firm. The IEC would be separately issued by DGFT.
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1800-572-1550 1800-111-550Advance Authorisation Scheme allows duty free import of inputs, which are physically incorporated in an export product. Click to explore the services offered by DGFT under the scheme.
The objective of the Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) Scheme is to facilitate import of capital goods for producing quality goods & services. Click to explore the services offered under the scheme.
Objective of the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) is to promote the manufacture and export of notified goods/ products. Click to explore the services offered by DGFT under the scheme.
Objective of Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS) is to encourage and maximize export of notified services from India. Click to explore the services offered by DGFT under the scheme.
Scheme to rebate all embedded State and Central Taxes/levies meant for exports of made-up articles and garments. Click to explore the services offered by DGFT under the scheme.
Import License for Restricted Items, Steel Import Monitoring System (SIMS), Import License for Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ), Registration Certificates. Click to explore the services offered under the scheme.
Export licences for Restricted Items, SCOMET Items, License under Indo US Memorandum, License under Indo EU besides others. Click to explore the services offered by DGFT under the scheme.
Enable secure, paperless issuance of certificates of origin for all FTAs/PTAs for all agencies and all products. Click to access the application.
For specified agriculture products, the scheme aims to provide assistance for the international component of freight and marketing of agricultural produce. Click to access the application.
To create confidence in the business environment of the country, QCTD aims to address complaints and disputes. Click to access the application.
An Importer-Exporter Code (IEC) is a key business identification number which mandatory for export from India or Import to India. Click to explore the IEC services offered by DGFT.
DGFT is responsible for formulating and implementing the Foreign Trade Policy with the main objective of promoting India?s exports. In our committment to same, we strive to provide educational videos to traders and new comers to help them in setting up import export enterprises.